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Partial Answer Printer stops, no error code. I saved the terminal output.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Jesse, Jun 16, 2016.

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  1. Jesse

    Jesse New Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Hi, Previously I had been getting a stop on some prints with the error: printer head cooled to much. So I made sure the thermistor was tight, and put a half cover over the printer. I got a successful print off, but now the printer is frozen mid print, and there is no error code.

    Here's the terminal output:

    <-ok T:214.9 /215.0 B:55.9 /55.0 T0:214.9 /215.0 @:84 B@:0 [6169.159]
    ->N70381 G1 X144.3 Y137.51 Z2.899 E4835.893*58 [6169.160]
    <-ok [6169.167]
    ->N70382 G1 X140.93 Y134.15 Z2.899 E4835.972*9 [6169.168]
    <-ok [6169.273]
    ->N70383 G1 X137.57 Y130.78 Z2.899 E4836.051*4 [6169.274]
    <-ok [6169.388]
    ->N70384 G1 X134.2 Y127.42 Z2.899 E4836.131*56 [6169.389]
    <-ok [6169.507]
    ->N70385 G1 X130.84 Y124.05 Z2.899 E4836.21*51 [6169.508]
    <-ok [6169.626]
    ->N70386 G1 X127.47 Y120.69 Z2.899 E4836.289*7 [6169.627]
    <-ok [6169.744]
    ->N70387 G1 X124.11 Y117.32 Z2.899 E4836.368*2 [6169.745]
    <-ok [6169.863]
    ->N70388 G1 X120.74 Y113.96 Z2.899 E4836.447*10 [6169.864]
    <-ok [6169.978]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526*1 [6169.979]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526* [6171.980]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526* [6173.981]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526* [6174.497]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526* [6174.999]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526* [6175.500]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526* [6176.001]
    ->N70389 G1 X117.38 Y110.59 Z2.899 E4836.526* [6178.459]
    The print was going fine~ and then this happened at about 0.5 cm z axis.
    Filament type: PLA
    Extruding Temp: 215
    Bed Temp: 55
    Bed makeup: Glue stick

    If anyone has an Idea on what might of caused this, I would be really grateful to hear.
    #1 Jesse, Jun 16, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    You missed the actual error. You must save the entire console log to find the error otherwise it will quickly scroll off into never-never land.
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    If that IS the entire terminal log then blame the software because the printer did exactly what it was told :)
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    And actual error will look like this (just an example):

    Send: N7G28 X0 Y0*53
    Recv: ok
    Send: N8G28 Z0*113
    Recv: Error:Extruder switched off. Temperature fell too much during print!
    Changing monitoring state from 'Printing' to 'Error: Extruder switched off. Temperature ...'
    Recv: Error:printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)
    Recv: ok
  5. Jesse

    Jesse New Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Thank you, I found the error. It occurred right after the print started, but then it worked out for a few layers before the section that I posted above. I wonder if its just the model?

    ->Communication State: PreparingToPrint
    <-ok T:214.1 /214.0 B:55.3 /55.0 T0:214.1 /214.0 @:46 B@:127
    <-ok T:214.0 /214.0 B:56.1 /55.0 T0:214.0 /214.0 @:48 B@:127
    <-ok T:213.9 /214.0 B:56.9 /55.0 T0:213.9 /214.0 @:51 B@:0
    ->N1 M110 S1*96
    ->Communication State: Printing
    ->N2 G21*24 [0.116]
    <-ok [0.131]
    ->N3 M107*38 [0.147]
    <-ok [0.163]
    ->N4 M140 S55*81 [0.178]
    <-ok [0.194]
    ->N5 G4 P1000*89 [0.209]
    <-ok [1.223]
    ->N6 M105*33 [1.239]
    <-ok T:214.1 /214.0 B:56.3 /55.0 T0:214.1 /214.0 @:48 B@:0 [1.255]
    ->N7 G4 P1000*91 [1.270]
    <-ok [2.284]
    ->N8 M105*47 [2.300]
    <-ok T:214.2 /214.0 B:56.1 /55.0 T0:214.2 /214.0 @:44 B@:0 [2.315]
    ->N9 G4 P1000*85 [2.331]
    <-ok [3.345]
    ->N10 M105*22 [3.361]
    <-ok T:214.1 /214.0 B:55.9 /55.0 T0:214.1 /214.0 @:47 B@:0 [3.376]
    ->N11 G4 P1000*108 [3.392]
    <-ok [4.406]
    ->N12 M105*20 [4.421]
    <-ok T:214.0 /214.0 B:55.8 /55.0 T0:214.0 /214.0 @:49 B@:0 [4.437]
    ->N13 G4 P1000*110 [4.452]
    <-ok [5.466]
    ->N14 M105*18 [5.482]
    <-ok T:214.0 /214.0 B:55.6 /55.0 T0:214.0 /214.0 @:49 B@:0 [5.498]
    ->N15 G4 P1000*104 [5.513]
    <-ok [6.527]
    ->N16 M105*16 [6.543]
    <-ok T:214.0 /214.0 B:55.5 /55.0 T0:214.0 /214.0 @:49 B@:0 [6.559]
    ->N17 M104 T0 S215*17 [6.574]
    <-ok [6.590]
    ->N18 M104 T0 S215*30 [6.605]
    <-ok [6.621]
    ->N19 T0*2 [6.636]
    <-echo:Active Extruder: 0 [6.652]
    <-ok [6.652]
    ->N20 G28 X0 Y0 Z0*106 [6.683]
    ->N20 G28 X0 Y0 Z0*10 [16.698]
    ->N20 G28 X0 Y0 Z0*10 [26.713]
    <-ok [29.147]
    <-Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 20 [29.147]
    <-Resend: 21 [29.147]
    <-ok [29.147]
    ->N21 M105*20 [29.162]
    <-ok T:215.4 /215.0 B:55.3 /55.0 T0:215.4 /215.0 @:50 B@:0 [29.178]
    ->N22 M114*23 [29.194]
    <-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:-0.30 E:0.00 Count X: 0.00 Y:0.00 Z:-0.30 [29.209]
    <-ok [29.212]
    ->N23 G1 X0 Y0 Z5 F5000*52 [29.225]
    <-ok [29.240]
    ->N24 M104 S215*85 [29.256]
    <-ok [29.272]
    ->N25 G4 P1000*107 [29.287]
    <-ok [31.331]
    ->N26 M105*19 [31.346]
    <-ok T:215.8 /215.0 B:55.1 /55.0 T0:215.8 /215.0 @:37 B@:0 [31.362]
    ->N27 G4 P1000*105 [31.378]
    <-ok [32.392]
    ->N28 M105*29 [32.407]
    <-ok T:215.4 /215.0 B:55.0 /55.0 T0:215.4 /215.0 @:51 B@:0 [32.423]
    ->N29 G28 X0 Y0 Z0*99 [32.439]
    <-ok [36.292]
    ->N30 M105*20 [36.307]
    <-ok T:214.9 /215.0 B:55.8 /55.0 T0:214.9 /215.0 @:62 B@:127 [36.323]
    ->N31 M114*21 [36.338]
    <-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:-0.30 E:0.00 Count X: 0.00 Y:0.00 Z:-0.30 [36.354]
    <-ok [36.354]
    ->N32 G29*35 [36.370]
    <-Bed x: 15.00 y: 20.00 z: -0.29 [43.499]
    ->N32 G29*3 [46.385]
    <-Bed x: 110.00 y: 20.00 z: 1.18 [46.712]
    <-Bed x: 205.00 y: 20.00 z: 2.19 [50.004]
    <-Bed x: 205.00 y: 125.00 z: 2.18 [53.592]
    ->N32 G29*3 [56.400]
    <-Bed x: 110.00 y: 125.00 z: 1.14 [57.289]
    <-Bed x: 15.00 y: 125.00 z: -0.41 [61.111]
    <-Bed x: 15.00 y: 230.00 z: 0.10 [64.605]
    ->N32 G29*3 [66.415]
    <-Bed x: 110.00 y: 230.00 z: 1.44 [67.850]
    <-Bed x: 205.00 y: 230.00 z: 2.46 [71.157]
    <-Eqn coefficients: a: 0.01 b: 0.00 d: -0.51 [71.157]
    <-planeNormal x: -0.01 y: -0.00 z: 1.00 [71.157]
    <-ok [71.157]
    ->N33 M105*23 [71.173]
    <-echo:endstops hit:  Z:2.46 [71.173]
    <-Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 32 [71.204]
    <-Resend: 33 [71.204]
    <-ok [71.204]
    ->N33 M105*2 [71.219]
    <-ok T:214.8 /215.0 B:55.9 /55.0 T0:214.8 /215.0 @:57 B@:0 [71.235]
    ->N34 M114*16 [71.251]
    <-X:205.01 Y:230.00 Z:-0.30 E:0.00 Count X: 205.00 Y:230.00 Z:2.71 [71.266]
    <-ok [71.266]
    ->N35 T0*12 [71.297]
    <-echo:Active Extruder: 0 [71.329]
    <-ok [71.329]
    ->N36 G90*37 [71.344]
    <-ok [71.360]
    ->N37 G92 E0*115 [71.375]
    <-ok [71.391]
    ->N38 M114*28 [71.407]
    <-X:205.01 Y:230.00 Z:-0.30 E:0.00 Count X: 205.00 Y:230.00 Z:2.71 [71.422]
    <-ok [71.422]
    ->N39 M82*35 [71.438]
    <-ok [71.453]
    ->N40 M107*17 [71.500]
    <-ok [71.516]
    ->N41 G1 X199.73 Y224.18 Z-0.133 F9000*3 [71.532]
    <-ok [71.547]
    ->N42 G1 X194.45 Y218.36 Z0.033*72 [71.563]
    <-ok [71.578]
    ->N43 G1 X189.17 Y212.53 Z0.2*73 [71.594]
    <-ok [71.609]
    ->N44 G1 X183.89 Y206.71 Z0.366*71 [71.625]
    <-ok [71.641]
    ->N45 G1 X178.62 Y200.89 Z0.533*64 [71.656]
    <-ok [71.672]
    ->N46 G1 X173.34 Y195.07 Z0.699*65 [71.687]
    <-ok [71.703]
    ->N47 G1 X168.06 Y189.24 Z0.866*73 [71.719]
    <-ok [71.734]
    ->N48 G1 X162.78 Y183.42 Z1.032*71 [71.750]
    <-ok [71.765]
    ->N49 G1 X157.5 Y177.6 Z1.199*65 [71.781]
    <-ok [71.797]
    ->N50 G1*29 [71.828]
    <-ok [71.843]
    ->N51 G1 F1200*121 [71.859]
    <-ok [71.875]
    ->N52 G1 X155.48 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.101 F2400*91 [71.891]
    <-ok [71.906]
    ->N53 G1 X153.45 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.202*49 [71.921]
    <-ok [71.937]
    ->N54 G1 X151.43 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.303*50 [71.953]
    <-ok [71.968]
    ->N55 G1 X149.41 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.404*56 [71.984]
    <-ok [71.999]
    ->N56 G1 X147.38 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.505*59 [72.015]
    <-ok [72.031]
    ->N57 G1 X145.36 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.606*54 [72.046]
    <-ok [72.062]
    ->N58 G1 X143.34 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.707*61 [72.077]
    <-ok [72.093]
    ->N59 G1 X141.31 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.808*59 [72.109]
    <-ok [72.124]
    ->N60 G1 X139.29 Y177.6 Z1.199 E0.908*54 [72.140]
    <-ok [72.155]
    ->N61 G1 X137.27 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.009*62 [72.171]
    <-ok [72.187]
    ->N62 M105*19 [72.202]
    <-ok T:214.9 /215.0 B:55.8 /55.0 T0:214.9 /215.0 @:55 B@:0 [72.218]
    ->N63 G1 X135.24 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.11*4 [72.233]
    <-ok [72.249]
    ->N64 G1 X133.22 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.211*49 [72.265]
    <-ok [72.280]
    ->N65 G1 X131.2 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.312*2 [72.296]
    <-ok [72.311]
    ->N66 G1 X129.17 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.413*58 [72.327]
    <-ok [72.343]
    ->N67 G1 X127.15 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.514*49 [72.358]
    <-ok [72.374]
    ->N68 G1 X125.13 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.615*56 [72.389]
    <-ok [72.405]
    ->N69 G1 X123.1 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.716*14 [72.421]
    <-ok [72.436]
    ->N70 G1 X121.08 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.817*51 [72.452]
    <-ok [72.467]
    ->N71 G1 X119.06 Y177.6 Z1.199 E1.918*57 [72.483]
    <-ok [72.499]
    ->N72 G1 X117.03 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.019*58 [72.514]
    <-ok [72.530]
    ->N73 G1 X115.01 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.12*0 [72.545]
    <-ok [72.561]
    ->N74 G1 X112.99 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.221*51 [72.577]
    <-ok [72.592]
    ->N75 G1 X110.96 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.322*61 [72.608]
    <-ok [72.623]
    ->N76 G1 X108.94 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.423*51 [72.639]
    <-ok [72.655]
    ->N77 G1 X106.92 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.523*59 [72.670]
    <-ok [72.686]
    ->N78 G1 X104.89 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.624*56 [72.701]
    <-ok [72.717]
    ->N79 G1 X102.87 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.725*49 [72.733]
    <-ok [72.779]
    ->N80 G1 X100.85 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.826*59 [72.795]
    <-ok [72.826]
    ->N81 G1 X98.82 Y177.6 Z1.199 E2.927*13 [72.842]
    <-ok [72.873]
    ->N82 G1 X96.8 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.028*53 [72.889]
    <-ok [72.935]
    ->N83 G1 X94.78 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.129*1 [72.951]
    <-ok [72.982]
    ->N84 G1 X92.75 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.23*54 [72.998]
    <-ok [73.029]
    ->N85 G1 X90.73 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.331*3 [73.045]
    <-ok [73.076]
    ->N86 G1 X88.71 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.432*15 [73.091]
    <-ok [73.123]
    ->N87 G1 X86.69 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.533*9 [73.138]
    <-ok [73.185]
    ->N88 G1 X84.66 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.634*15 [73.201]
    <-ok [73.232]
    ->N89 M105*22 [73.247]
    <-ok T:214.9 /215.0 B:55.7 /55.0 T0:214.9 /215.0 @:53 B@:0 [73.279]
    ->N90 G1 X82.64 Y177.6 Z1.199 E3.735*2 [73.294]
  6. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    There is no error in that terminal.
    The "<-Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 32 [71.204]"
    Is really a warning and will not generally impact the printer in any way, but if it proves anything it proves you might be having a communications error with the printer and the computer. This would cause these sorts of errors and the printer might well just stop.

    I see no explicit errors in that terminal output or in the first one you posted.
    Something else is stopping the print,probably the software you are using (just a guess) or a bad USB cable.

    Make sure you use a new USB cable and you might try a powered hub between the printer and the computer.
    Geof likes this.
  7. Jesse

    Jesse New Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I would definitely think its the USB. After checking my cable I noticed some chunks missing from my cat chewing on it>> Thanks for the heads up on the powered hub, that makes a lot of sense, and I'll try that if things don't improve with a new cable.
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  8. Michael Keyser

    Michael Keyser New Member

    Sep 14, 2016
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    I know it's been a while, but did any of those proposed items solve your problem. And, if they did, do you know which specifically helped?

  9. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    He has not logged on since June of last year.
    I rather doubt he is going to answer you :)
  10. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    If your having an issue please feel free to start a thread in troubleshooting, many will be able to help out
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