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Printing support like an R1+

Discussion in 'Software' started by Eric Viglotti, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. Eric Viglotti

    Eric Viglotti Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    I have had an R1+ now for awhile and I am using an old Cura 15.04.6 per the suggestion of one of the Robo techs and it works well for many things, specifically the support material is super brittle and very clean and easy to take off.

    Now that I also have an R2 and am using Cura 2.6.2 with this printer, I'm trying to replicate some of the same type of brittle, easy to remove support material and I can't seem to get any settings that do the same thing.

    Attached are my R1+/Cura 15.04.6 settings that are basically default and work great along with me mucking around with the R2/Cura 2.6.2 settings that still aren't working well even after messing with default settings to get to this point.

    FYI, yes, both of these are layer heights of 0.2 which I know is pretty low quality, but again, it works fine for the R1+.

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

    Attached Files:

  2. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Sorry not a avid cura user, may be worth putting this in their forum as well? Hopefully a cura user will be along soon!
  3. Kilrah

    Kilrah Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Crappy supports are a known "feature" of recent Cura versions unfortunately. Some have recommended using versions before 2.5.0, like 2.4.something if I remember well.
    Geof likes this.
  4. WheresWaldo

    WheresWaldo Volunteer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
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    Feb 18, 2015
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    I am not sure what the fuss is all about, don't people tweak their own profiles? There are numerous settings to tweak in supports for Cura that you can make them do pretty much whatever you want.

    Everyone raves about S3D supports and I have a few models that were sliced with S3D where I have no way to remove the supports without breaking the model. Its not the norm, but I can also tweak S3D supports so that they are worse than even MatterControl.

    If HP or Epson enters the market I bet you supports will work first time every time, but the market is not that mature yet, that is why they aren't here yet. We are working with machines that aren't appliances that aren't plug-n-play just yet, they require tinkering, adjusting, testing. Are we not willing to do that to get better results?

    I feel better now ☚ (<‿<)☚
    supercazzola likes this.
  5. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Willing yes....Simplify 3D start you off better for not much money...in my opinion yes :D. If it takes 5 hours for me to tweak supports in cura or slic3r to match what simplify 3d outputs stock it is cheaper for me to buy simplify 3d. That said....it was a one time purchase years ago and I still use it across almost all my farm :D.

    Controls in the free slicers are catching up but there are many pros that S3D has over the free slicers that make it more than worth it in my opinion :D. Tool path preview, dual extrusion wizard, multiple processes simplified for general users, relatively decent time and weight calculator etc etc.

    Its all opinion :D thats mine
  6. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Let's not derail the conversation -- it is solely about fixing it in Cura.
    @WheresWaldo is the only one to mention S3D and that is not the topic, his suggestions for tweaking Cura are what need to be looked into.
    WheresWaldo and Geof like this.
  7. Kilrah

    Kilrah Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    I did spend quite a while trying to get better results by tweaking settings in cura 2.5.0 but never got anything satisfactory. Always either too much adhesion or too poor part surface quality when not both at the same time.
  8. Eric Viglotti

    Eric Viglotti Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    All super interesting, thank you everyone. The challenge here is that Robo is at a price point where it likely doesn't make sense for them to build and own their own slicing software, as Ultimaker does with Cura, so the result is that someone else's slicing software makes their printer look bad. There is no question that I have often wondered why I bought an R2 over my existing R1+ because of this, so it's definitely a potential area for improvement. That being said, Cura is pretty powerful, so there is an argument over not recreating the wheel here.

    I tried the attached ettings for support and it worked pretty well, but again, still not as good as Cura 2.6.2 and my R1+, and also in order to do this I had to be at Medium (0.15 layer height) quality, which is not too good as I print most everything on both printers at 0.2 layer height quality and it's nice and fast and decent enough for the print itself.

    So it sounds like I could try to use Cura 2.6.2 with my R2, but has anyone done so and have the settings I would enter to set it up?


    Attached Files:

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