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Need Help Printing With Raptor PLA

Discussion in 'Printing Filament' started by Adam Timmons, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. Adam Timmons

    Adam Timmons New Member

    Nov 19, 2017
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    I hope I clicked on the right button.

    I have been attempting to work with Raptor for a few months now. It's not Raptors fault per se I have also been remodeling my house. I can only get Raptor to extrude at 245C. with 60C bed temp but printing stops after a few layers or even a couple of hours.

    I have had a myriad of advice on what to do but none of it works. Green Frog tape on PEI does not make sense. or work. That is what the PEI is for.

    I can get started with the TARDIS drinking cup I want to make for my daughter and myself but my TAZ5 stops printing after a few layers. My best guess is that the nozzle gets clogged and the heater turns off. Once the nozzle turns off I have to do cold pulls before I can start printing again because Raptor seems to clog easily.

    I am very frustrated. I could use some help please with settings as I am a newbie to 3D printing. Honestly I am bewildered by the settings and need to get to something that will work for "table ware" like cups that I can drink out of then run in the dish washer. I also have broken house wares that need printed parts because they aren't availalble from the manufacturer. I am using Simplify3D and Cura both. Neither gets the job done but Simplify is more effective than Cura.

    Any input anyone has I am anxious to hear. I would also entertain and indeed clap for any sage advice on settings.
    Adam Timmons

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  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Season the hotend?

    Maybe try an oiler if the seasoning helps

    Not really familiar with the TAZ (@Geof might be). However if the extruder stops trying to push filament out that is a completely different issue than a clog.
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The whole issue around printing objects you intend to use for eating on/drinking from is for another thread.
    There is not much that works for that situation.
  4. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    FDA approved filament on a non approved manufacturing process...but I drink outa the faucet so whatever ;) lol

    I gave away the Taz I had. Not a viable machine IMO. 3mm direct drive I3 clone.

    I got that stuff to print finally around 255 and 65 on the bed. I thought it was an ugly material even "Dialed in" and IMO you'd be better off using a standard PLA. If you bought the raptor because its food safe, dont worry about it, like I mentioned above the material is food safe but the process is very much not so. If you do want to use the raptor you will need to conduct a temperature tower test
    pick your poison and follow the instructions: in S3D this is easy to do :D

    then print a few test objects. You want to do something small and fast, maybe a couple at a time until your satisfied with the end result.
    I use this:

    I cannot help with the machine specific side of the Taz as I got rid of the only one I had a very long time ago (I think it was a 4 or 5 a few years back). To get help with direct Taz information you'll likely need to join the Lulzbot forum if they have one (I assume so?) and post there.

    That said your more than welcome to post here, and we are more than happy to help, but with machine specific information many members here can only help with Robo brand :D
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  5. Steve Joy

    Steve Joy New Member

    Feb 8, 2018
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    My most simple idea is: Possibly, your filament is rapped under it's self and gets stuck when pulled tight.

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