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Help! Print too low on back and too high on front! (3D printing NEWBIE)

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Keri Catoe, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. Keri Catoe

    Keri Catoe New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    I end up pushing down on the X-Axis plate while it is printing so it does not dig the back side of the print for a few rounds. I am able to get maybe 1 of every 4 tries to work that way. Its very frustrating because this is used for a small business and the quality this way is so bad. Customer service wants to replace the X-Axis plate saying it must be bent. But in all honesty, we did nothing to bend it so this seems like a terrible flaw in the unit itself. Why won't they just replace the unit? I have adjusted the Z-Axis. I have tried shimming up the corner to bring up the side that is too low and it seems to autolevel back to where it was and do it again. Nothing seems to work. Someone, please tell me what I can do before I toss this out the window?
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    We are all users here. Not Robo employees so we are more than happy to help you with ideas/work, etc, but we can't solve customer service issues. That needs to go with Robo directly.

    If you really want a replacement unit, let then know you do not have anyone with the technical ability to work on the printer (and that is is supposed to be plug-and-play) and that they need to replace the unit with a working one. If you push them they should. Schedule a tier-2 technician (you need to use this form: https://robo3d.com/pages/schedule-an-appointment) if you want to get more leverage.

    We can help with problems you are willing to tackle yourself :)
  3. Keri Catoe

    Keri Catoe New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Thank you. Yes, I am not tech savvy. I was reading through other posts and threads trying to figure it out but most of the lingo is foreign to me. This was a gift for our 12 year old (and us) and he decided to start a little business which is great! But his little business is growing quickly and now he has orders he can't fill that are paid and an event that he is supposed to sell his keychains for a charity for a young boy with cancer that he won't be able to sell at if we don't get this working.

    So the issue seems to be that the print bed/X-Axis is higher on the backside than the front. Even when we do the Z Offset, it still goes back to what it was doing. Could it be an issue with the auto level? Could the plate really be bent? Is this a normal issue with 3D printers?
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Maybe, not normal though.

    Yes, that is a possibility

    They can be damaged in shipping when you buy a pre-built printer (many other printers are still sold as kits).
    They should not be damaged though and if you can't repair it then they should replace it.
  5. John Hartsough

    John Hartsough New Member

    Sep 27, 2015
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    The supports for the bed may be broken, allowing the bed to tilt, front to back. My bed has a low spot that i could not resolve after incorporating special supports for the bed. As a make-shift solution i built-up layers of tape in the low spots, and put less tape in the high spots. If your bed is stable this could work enough to get your emergency prints completed. Also, be strategic where you locate the print on the bed. Don't print where it digs in. Move it to the side that is working.[​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-S320VL using Tapatalk
  6. Keri Catoe

    Keri Catoe New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Robo is going to repair it for us. Shipping it back to them tomorrow. Its not fixable on our own. My son wanted a second smaller printer so we just ordered an inexpensive one from Amazon to hopefully help him to complete the orders for his event this weekend. Thanks everyone for your help and input.
    Geof and mark tomlinson like this.
  7. supercazzola

    supercazzola Active Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Just curious, when you were doing the fine tune leveling wizard, did you see the same behavior? Did you use lines or circles for the fine tune?

    Sounds to me like the bed was just not level. One non-intuitive thing is sometimes it’s best to throw the whole thing out of alignment in order to find the best alignment. What I mean is, imagine that you have adjusted the thing and the front looks like it needs to rise just a bit. when you go to loosen / tighten the screws on those corners, you can’t because they have already reached the limit. What you need to do is tighten / loosen every screw (all 4) the same amount, then re-run the z-offset. then go back to the corner leveling routine. In essence, you have brought the non-leveled bed, just up or down, but in such a way that you have given yourself more wiggle room with the corner screws.

    I hope that made sense. It took me some time to get my brain around it.

    So probably the best way is to start with the screws somewhere in the middle of their range of travel.
    Then run the z-offset wizard.
    Then the corner leveling routine.
    Then I run the z-offset wizard again.
    Then the fine tune z-offset wizard.

    I know you said you sent it back, but I am just hoping to help you if the problem comes up again.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Keri Catoe

    Keri Catoe New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Thank you. I will certainly remember that if it happens again. I actually did run the fine tune and got the lines to actually look good and then when I went to run the print, it was so high off the print bed it just spit out the filament and made a ball. It was worse than before I did the fine tune. The bed is bent and will not bend back no matter how much force I use (that's what Robo told me to do). So I will let them fix it and pray it does not happen again.
    supercazzola and Geof like this.
  9. supercazzola

    supercazzola Active Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Did the new unit come ? How is it ?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Keri Catoe

    Keri Catoe New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Apparently they chose the slowest shipping possible. Tracking shows it will be delivered to them today. I will update though once we get it back.
    Geof likes this.
  11. weapon121

    weapon121 New Member

    Jun 6, 2017
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    I thought I was the only one with this issue! I've been getting around it by printing towards the front when I can, but No matter what I try I get this very same issue. Please let us know once you hear from them, I might need to do the same

  12. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    if you do... dont wait
    weapon121 and daniel871 like this.
  13. daniel871

    daniel871 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Seconding this, don't wait to see what support another person gets. File your own support ticket and stay on top of it.
    weapon121, Geof and mark tomlinson like this.

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