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Palette 2/Palette 2 Pro

Discussion in 'Projects' started by AlienBeans, Aug 25, 2018.

  1. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    I have been exclusively using the v1 unit I picked up on the R1 series, I have not tried it on the C2 (no R2 to try it on), I can if we need to prove it works on RoboOS v2.x but I don't have a Palette 2.0 to try it with so it would be the v1 unit (and they are not exactly the same).
  2. KenO

    KenO New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Alien or ?: finally got the palette to run and start a print, but how do you jog the filament when it asks you to load? That function is not displayed on the robo LCD at this stage of the process.
  3. KenO

    KenO New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    I finally got the my Palette 2S to work. I used Cura 2.5.0 that Robo provided when I purchased the R2 to access Octopi. After assuring myself that uploading the two Octopi addins that Mosaic provides on their website would not upset the last firmware settings that Robo provided before they went out of business and setting the R2 printer with a bed origination to 0,0,0, I was able to get a print. Octopi may give you a warning that the print is too large, but delete this warning. I figured out how on octopi to opt out so that that this warning would not show. Mosaic support said the warning was in error. Also be patient as the print may not activate the palette for a time until the print has completely uploaded to the palette. Until I discovered this, I thought that it was not going to work. Also on Octopi there is a "print and load" icon under the uploaded file from Canvas or your slicer that must be clicked on to send the print to the Palette.

    To connect the components, I plugged the palette into the usb port on the back of the R2. Then I accessed Octopi with Cura 2.5.0 via wifi. There is an unused usb port on the R2 Octopi that could be made accessible that might work if wifi is not an option. At least I see others on YouTube connecting their computer using one of the USB ports on the Octopi with an octopi program available on the internet and the usb port on the back of the printer for the Palette. This port accesses the R2 Octopi on the floor of the R2.
    key chain being printed.jpg Key chain finished resized.jpg
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  4. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
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    May 7, 2018
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    Would you mind writing up the set-up, software and workflow needed to accomplish a print job? Additional info like how the model is treated (one piece or multiple models merged) would be nice. Also, links to the support for the palette and software.
    I ask in case someone wishes to duplicate your efforts, at least they will have some form of documentation to follow.
  5. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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  6. KenO

    KenO New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Give me a couple of days to put it all together. Ken
  7. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
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    May 7, 2018
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    Thank you.
  8. KenO

    KenO New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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  9. KenO

    KenO New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Preamble on how I was able to get the Mosaic Palette 2 up and working. Note that I have tried hard to make it understandable. I am not very good at proofing my own writings.

    Mosaic Palette setup and calibration on the Robo3d R2*:

    1. First, I am assuming that you have setup your R2 to be on your network and that it has been working for you.

    2. Also, I am using Windows 10.

    3. Upload Chroma to your computer from the Mosaic website and update the palette’s firmware.

    Follow the directions that come with the Palette 2 to do this. One of the important ones is to update the palette’s firmware. To do this, plug the Palette’s USB cord into your computer. Up load the Palette firmware with Chroma use this Mosaic link: https://support.mosaicmfg.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001300827-Chroma-V3-1-4. Or open Chroma if you have already uploaded it and click on “Tools” and “Update Palette Firmware” If the palette is not recognized, turn it off, wait a few moments and turn it back on.

    Once this has been accomplished, plug the palette into the USB port on the back of the R2.

    Turn your R2 printer on.

    4. Canvas:

    Go to the Mosaic website and search for “Mosaic Canvas” and the click on the website heading and Canvas will open. There are also several links that will appear that you can use to help get you up to speed on Canvas. I would suggest that you save the Canvas link onto your desktop.

    Set up the R2 in Canvas, but also do the following:

    First, using Chroma select the R2 from the dropdown list and make this change:

    So, with Canvas open, click on the three dashes in the upper left corner and select “Printer Profile”. Then click on the box that shows your printer and select “Edit printer” Select “Bed” and under “Origin offset” select “Bottom Left”. Then click on “Save” at the bottom of the screen.

    Also set up the length of the tubing you have selected that was in the box that the palette shipped to you. I selected the “Medium” tube. This depends on how you setup the palette to work with your printer.

    Connected mode: Again, click on the 3 dashes, select “Printer profiles” and then in the box select “Palette profile”. Select the palette you purchased and under “Connection Mode” “Connect “with Canvas Hub”.

    Again, always select “Save” when asked after making the above changes.

    5. OctoPi plugin’s:

    If you have Robo’s version of Cura 2.5.0 on your computer, open it, login and follow the instructions noted next. If not, upload it from the Robo website.

    Note: the following instructions assume that you will be using Cura 2.5.0 to access OctoPi on your computer. Caution, once you open OctoPi you might be given the option to upgrade Octopi. Do not do this as I understand that it will cause problems with the Robo firmware.

    Once you have logged into OctoPi, click on “settings” at the top of the screen. On the left you will see under “Settings” and heading “Octoprint”, “Plugin Manager”. You will use this to install the plugins noted next.

    Access the two plugins that need to be added to the Raspberry pi (Octopi). These are found on this link:

    More info on this link: https://support.mosaicmfg.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360020988053-Palette-2-Pro-with-Robo-R2

    Also this link will give more info on adding plugins to the OctoPi: https://howchoo.com/g/owy0mtdimjr/octoprint-plugins

    Note: Adding these two plugins to your Octopi did not prevent me from using the R2 as before to do a print.

    If Palette 2 is on, turn it off. Once these two plugins are added to the Robo Octopi both Canvas and Palette 2 need to be connected by opening Octopi, then turn on the Palette 2 and in OctoPi select “connect” on both Canvas and Palette 2. They will be on the right of the screen and you may need to scroll down to see where you do this. You will need to enter your login and password for Canvas and Palette 2 to connect. Make sure that both are noted as connected. If the Palette becomes disconnected, turn the palette off and then do the reconnect. (It has something to do with the port connection). Your login and password will be remembered after you do this.

    Note also, that when you slice and upload a file from Canvas to the Octopi, that it will take time to finish the loading. This confused me as I thought that it was not working.

    I noticed this morning that when I opened OctoPi that there was a notice of a new plugin that is available. I would hesitate to experiment with additional plugins at this time.

    6. Loading a print to be printed:

    First have Octopi open and Canvas and Palette 2 connected as noted in 4.

    In Canvas I would suggest that you make sure that you add a Skirt/Brim. This will help clear your nozzle. To do this with your project selected, click on Robo R2 Standard “Settings”. Click on “First Layer” to do this. This where you set up the profile for the print by the way.

    In Canvas, once that you have selected “Slice” and “Send to Palette”, the print will be sent to Octopi. Again, depending on the size of the print, it will take time to upload.

    You might get a notice that the file is too large, Mosaic support told me to just click out of this as this is not true. Under settings there is a place where you can turn this off by the way.

    Once uploaded, you will notice on the left of the Octopi screen the file’s name under “Files”. Move your cursor over the icons under the print and select “Upload and Print”. You should hear and see your Palette working. Follow the instructions on the Palette’s screen to proceed. The R2 should have acknowledged the coming print by raising the bed, doing its leveling and position the extruder.

    Be sure that you have put a scrap of filament into the filament guide on the back of the printer. This will override the sensor and let you proceed.

    Insert filament into the Palette as instructed when asked.

    Follow the instructions from Mosaic on inserting the Outgoing plastic tube for the filament into the palette and once a length of filament is visible at the end of this tube, select on the R2’s screen the Robo Wizard to load filament. Be sure that you extrude filament until the color that the palette sent is all that you see being extruded and stop the extrusion once only the new color is being extruded. On the YouTube videos you will see them jogging the filament until the new color filament is extruding. I have not figured out how to do this with the R2. Let us know if you find out how to do this on the R2. Also the Outgoing plastic tube does not need an extruder clip when inserted into the Robo extruder assembly.

    Then on the Palette you will be asked to start the print. Continue following the directions on the palette’s screen and when done with this, printer will start printing.

    7. Calibrating the Palette:

    Use this website to help you calibrate the Palette: https://support.mosaicmfg.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014656533-Calibration-Print-Troubleshooting

    Also check out this YouTube video. Note that he is not using the R2, but his instructions really help. Note that he is using an external Raspberry Pi where on the R2 it is in the printer. Also, I used Robo’s Cura version 2.5.0 as noted to access the Raspberry Pi that is in the R2. Also view this link: . Be sure and watch both part 1 and part 2 of his tutorial. This site was a real help to me.

    · One other suggestion is that before you start any prints, use the R2 wizards to set your Z off set and fine tune it in the usual way before you start any prints.

    *I assume that this will work for the C2 as well, but I do not own one of these.
    Also, the above instructions are what I followed after much research.

    To the best of my memory recall, the above should get you up and running on the Mosaic and Palette 2. If you have any suggestions, improvements and or corrections, please let me know by commenting. Ken
    #69 KenO, Jan 31, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
    LordPeq and Geof like this.
  10. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
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    May 7, 2018
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    Would you mind if we move the above posting to the Projects area?
  11. KenO

    KenO New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Tkoco, I responded to your email and said that that would be fine. Probably more easily located if it was there. Ken
  12. AlienBeans

    AlienBeans Active Member

    May 19, 2016
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    I gave up on getting these two to work a long time ago. In fact, I haven't even used my robo in probably a year. I have 2 prusa's that just work and are so much better. Have my palette 2s pro connected to one of those and took minimal efforts to get it printing terrific multi color prints.
  13. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    I was able to get the original Palette working with the Robo R1+, but I seldom ever need multicolor.
    Multimaterial -- yes and that is really not the intent of the Palette.
  14. AlienBeans

    AlienBeans Active Member

    May 19, 2016
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    Actually a lot of people use the palette with multimaterial, so yes it is one of the intents of the palette.
  15. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Unless the v2 is wildly different it is not a hit with that device. Can you do it? Yes, but it is not worth it.
    Dual (actual dual) or more extrusion is far superior and cost wise the Palette does not win either.

    I have a couple of mutli-extruder printers and I'll take that over the palette any day.

    Still requires good modeling :)
  16. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
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    Nov 9, 2015
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    did you say you have a R2 for me ;)

    2nd the multimaterial question- say tpu and abs works ? Nylon and pc ? I honestly have a ton of questions about it
  17. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Perfect example of one that is very usable. Can you do that with the V1? (I can't speak for the V2 Palette) Not easily at all.
    Can you do that with multiple extruders? Yep, all day long :)
    Geof likes this.
  18. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
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    Nov 9, 2015
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    I assume the V2 suffers from the same issue - multi material don’t adhere well so I can’t imagine splicing them together they would work well but I’d be thrilled if they figured this out. Would be way easier than multi extruder fights I deal with
  19. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    I hear you :)
    Multi-extruder is its own special blend of pain-sauce.

    You absolutely need to model for it and then struggle with the slicer and the hardware. I am amazed that is works as well as it does.

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