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Unresolved Y Axis Grinding Issues

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by alfredgg, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. alfredgg

    alfredgg New Member

    Jul 17, 2015
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    So for the last month or so I have been halving problems with my y axis. Basically when it starts the calibration and the nozzle moves to the front left corner and the bed moves all the way back the bed starts to grind. Like the motor keeps going even after hitting the limit switch for a little under a second. Then when the calibration gets to the last 3 check points the bed grinds again.

    After that the printer prints but on the back side of prints it seems like the bed did not move enough so there is extra material and if I print a circle it will not be a circle. Like this:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I am currently using Simplify 3D but I used to use Matter Control and the same thing happened.

    Thank you!

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  2. Thomas

    Thomas Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    I have randomly encountered the same issue but my prints are ok. I'm using R1plus with simplify3d. Interested to hear what people say.

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  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    There is only one limit switch on each axis and it is at the HOME position.
    The far end on each axis is calculated (starting with HOME).

    If the 9-point autoleveling is doing this then :
    1) the bed never did actually home all the way
    2) there is something binding the belt that is driving the axis (Y in your case) which the makes the belt skip (the grinding noise) as it forces the stepper to go the full distance.

    If it is the Y axis then look well under the bed (move the bed with the plate lifted) to make sure nothing -- like wire bundles -- is keeping the bed from smoothly travelling full-stop.

    Make sure when it is 'home' that the Y axis limit switch is actually being contacted as well.
  4. woferry

    woferry Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    I haven't run into any grinding at Y=0 (during homing)[*] or any printing issues, but when I received my R1+plus the Y servo would grind when going to the back 3 probe points during the auto-leveling. For me it turned out to be the heated bed cable, it's poorly captured at the rear bracket of the Y carriage and the cable was extending down far enough to get pinched between the cable holder and the thick black plate that attaches the Y carriage to the printer enclosure. I could tighten the slack up with the bed lifted, but as soon as I'd put the bed back it would settle back into its original position since that cable is pretty stiff. I wound up skipping that bracket entirely and just feeding the cable straight out the back without capturing it and haven't had any grinding issues since (though my bed travel is only 246mm, not the 10" claimed by Robo, of course the heated bed area is significantly less).

    [*] If homing is grinding I'd wonder if your stop switch for Y is working properly, I will note that when manually adjusting the Y using my Full Graphics Controller it seems to totally ignore the limit switches, so if I accidentally take the Y past the 0 position the servo does grind then which is very annoying (same goes for the other axes, I really screwed up my Z by turning the knob too quickly the first time). I also assume you haven't modified your Y carriage or hung anything off of it (like a camera mount or anything) that might be interfering at the front?
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  5. Thomas

    Thomas Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Hey guys, so this is off thread but following this post because I get this ransom y axis grinding when bed goes to far to the rear during self leveling process or Auto home sends y all the way back to a grind. I have no mods to the mechanics. My heat bed cable is not impinged. I don't see anything unusual under the glass. It functions just fine most of the time but this is happening often enough to be annoying and delays getting prints started. I'm successful in resolving by turning printer off then back on or by disabling motors and manually moving y bed back to normal position then hitting auto home. Once in a while I must do these tricks a few times. I have the XL LED screen btw. Sometimes I have to connect to my laptop and run bed leveling a few times and when I do I always remind it is using a Robo3d R1 plus with auto leveler. All in all no rhyme or reason, so to me it seems to be temperamental because it will operate with no issues when it feels. This has me wondering if my printer is not routinely knowing where home is? I use simplify3d. Would some one direct me as to how to confirm my home points are correct and how to correct them if not. I'm g-code illiterate and still new to this. Happens often enough I want better understanding and resolution if this is a symptom of a problem brewing. Thank you.

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  6. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Press the bed against the switch so you hear it click, then send M119 to determine if it says triggered or not
  7. Thomas

    Thomas Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Thanks Mike I will try that!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. John Burgardt

    John Burgardt New Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    After homing all axis, (x does not go home) I sent a M119 command and all axis are triggered. I am able to print but it is the corner of the bed. Both x and y seem to be off. This is after I removed the extruder and cleaned and replaced it. I think the wire bundle was keeping the x-axis from homing at first, but it is tied back out of the way now. Should I just power it off and then re-home? There is nothing binding underneath the table too. Thanks for your suggestions in advance.
  9. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    When your axis are not homed, send M119. Are they still triggered?
  10. Drmike

    Drmike Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I had to replace the bed heater, and the cable was too low in the back so I had the same grinding problem as the original poster. Getting the heater cable out of the way fixed my problem. Thank you for telling me where to look!
    Dr. mike
    Geof and mark tomlinson like this.
  11. 3D Printer Man

    May 21, 2016
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    I have this issue, make sure everything is secured underneath the bed.
  12. 54chevyguy

    54chevyguy New Member

    Mar 17, 2017
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    i to found that it was the cable to the hot plate. It seems to have gotten a memory in the cable that allowed it to hang to low so i changed the bend memory in the cable and no more noise.

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