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Bed leveling ideas

Discussion in 'Mods and Upgrades' started by Seshan, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Seshan

    Seshan Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    So the RoBo bed does not currently have a way to completely level the bed. I've been thinking of a couple ideas. Both of them will be leveling the whole build platform not just the print area, This may cause problems with the belt. This first idea could be simply modified to level just a print area, but you would lose a bit of build height.

    Idea #1 is to use a t nut http://www.woodpeck.com/media/main_tnut.jpg Press that into the board and that would allow you to turn the screw to adjust the bed up and down, It can be turned by the bottom nut or a printed knob on the top of the screw. The bottom nut is to support everything so it doesn't fall down through the sliders, It's not turned tight but left lose enough so that the bolt can still rotate, it could be locked in with some thread locker. This could also be replaced with a spring, which I think would be better. This idea could be modified to work for just leveling a print area.

    Idea #2, I don't like this one as much as the first. It uses 2 bolts and a coupling nut (a long nut) turning the top bolt will move it up and down, the coupling nut could be fixed to the sliders instead of the other support nut, and then a spring on top of the coupling nut to support the bed.

    So what do you guys think?

  2. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I got one pretty much figured out real simple only adds about 2mm to the overall bed height and can be printed easily having some printer problems right now and can't print it to test it but there doesn't seem to be any reason it won't work just fine

    so what you have here is as follows
    gray area existing bed with heater on it
    blue are existing nylon shaft holding bed to y axis rails
    green existing bolt tightening bed to shaft
    black printed piece threaded on the outside and slips over current shaft
    optionally this if solid (except for bolt hole)could replace shaft
    red area printed cover piece that screws onto threaded black printed piece
    cap of red area is all that the bed will have to rise
    purple print nut that locks against red cover piece hold it in place.

    To adjust loosen purple nut twist red cover to raise or lower re tighten purple locking nut

    Total of three pieces I want to put this on thingiverse and add a knurled cap so it can be easily moved with fingers but can't print the darn thing out due to printer issues.

    hope this is short enough for those who don't like to read.

    Attached Files:

  3. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Just added it to thingiverse as is
  4. Seshan

    Seshan Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I think I get how it works, The only thing that confuses me is how you adjust it if the bolt isn't moving? (Or is it?)
  5. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    the bolt moves with the print bed it what actually hold the whole thing to the y axis rail. As it stands it would add the 2mm like I said but then nothing else unless you wanted to adjust the height of that corner. simply loosen bolt and nut and twisting oon the cover cap piece will cause it to raise while the shaft still sits on the rail one you get to the height you need tighten the lock nut so teh cap piece does not move on its own and then tighten the bolt back up
  6. Seshan

    Seshan Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Ahh, Okay so you loosen the bolt also, and the nut will be on the top of the bed, so you could print a thumb knob for it and that would make it easy to loosen.
  7. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    the thumbknob would be just the top of the cap piece with sort of scalloped edge.

    Over all the top nut just helps keep everything tight and unchanging
  8. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    After several attempts at printing the bed leveler it seems I got too precise and actually made the threads too small to be actually printed on the ROB so I am redesigning it with larger threads so it can work. Look for it soon.
  9. Henry

    Henry New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    We'll be watching for it.. thanks
  10. CAMBO3D

    CAMBO3D New Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    jeff remember when designing for 3d printing,

    it needs to be easy to print (depending on your printer)
    keep it simple if you can
    make it strong (ie thicker, support where needs to have support etc)
    minimize aspects of the design that would cause failure in the print.
  11. wrdutcher

    wrdutcher New Member

    Jul 7, 2013
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    Jeff, How are you doing with your bed leveling idea?

    I plan to do something very similar as shown below. The only piece I need to make is the alignment spacer that slides over the original spacer to keep the bed from shifting. The spring keeps things tight. The lock bolt keeps everything square and the flathead screw from turning when the thumb screw is adjusted for bed level. The spacer is cut down so that when the thumb screw bottoms out the bed is the same height as the original design. This is the starting point. Bed alignment is then obtained by backing out individual thumb screws until level is obtained. Should only be a few millimeters. This should result in very little loss on Z axis. Using a flat screw avoids any interference to the sliding rails. The new slightly longer flat head screw may need to be installed to allow the bed to be raise to level. Since I do not have my printer yet, lacking the spacer dimensions, the amount of adjustment needed (assuming 5mm or less), I am unable to work out the details of the design, or test it out. If someone else would like to give it a go, feel free.

    Bed Leveling Design 2.jpg
    2 people like this.
  12. Henry

    Henry New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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  13. JDM_

    JDM_ New Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I remembered someone using only springs to level the bed. Seems pretty easy just not sure how it will work with the slider rails.
    Something like this. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:27720

    This may cause issues with the belt though.
  14. Harry

    Harry Team ROBO 3D
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Mike is the one who had used I believe the springs. It is what my printrbot simple uses. You would loose some Z hight, but I would recommend keeping those nylon spacers there, and getting a longer screw, and a washer then the spring and another washer between the nylon spacers and the bed. -> Keep the Nylon Spacer but then put the springs ontop of it.
  15. Michael DiFilippo

    Michael DiFilippo Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I used just springs. Haven't posted much on it yet because honestly I can't tell how it is working. I feel like due to my linear rails I can't get the bed level no matter what I do. I think my rails may be slightly bent. Honestly I am waiting for Robo to release a leveling solution or at least an idea that they have came up with.
  16. Henry

    Henry New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Question Robo Team --- all these noted changes that the members are doing. Are these being implemented in the next batches of released of the printer? (August/September schedule releases)
  17. wrdutcher

    wrdutcher New Member

    Jul 7, 2013
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    Springs alone may allow the screws to wobble causing the bed to wobble slightly as it changes direction, unless the springs are very stiff. I would still recommend a lock but against the rail to keep the screw from wobbling or rotating when adjusting the thumb bolt.

    But you are both right, the inability to level the bed is a fundamental flaw in the design, that can be fixed at very little cost. I can't imagine why the Robo group would not consider such a simple improvement, along with longer screws on the limit switches and the Z axis fine tuning mod Cambo suggested. Such fixes could improve the printer`s reputation and strengthen the brand name.
  18. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Don't for get guys that this is the basic first run of these printers with public opinions and I am sure the Robo Team is looking at each of these suggestion/mods seriously and will make the changes as they see fit. Out of the box this is still a great printer. Granted it is not like 50in Visio HDTV coming out of the box but this is a small team and there are working to get the best things for this printer as they can.
  19. wrdutcher

    wrdutcher New Member

    Jul 7, 2013
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    Well said. I am extremely happy I ordered one and will be even happier when it arrives. Some of the Robo prints that I have seen online are really awesome. Hope what I said above did not sound like a gripe session. The Robo guys do care about the quality of this printer and have demonstrated it in recent announcements: such as including a filament spool bracket and a cooling fan assembly. I’m sure more will come, many we can print out ourselves, others they may offer as upgrades.
  20. JDM_

    JDM_ New Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I bought some springs and washers today. Got home to find I don't have a wrench small enough to remove the nuts holding the bed to the slides. Back to the store tomorrow. Lol.

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