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G'Day from Robo newbie Toowoomba Queensland Australia

Discussion in 'Australia' started by Kangaroo and Koalas, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Kangaroo and Koalas

    Kangaroo and Koalas New Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hi all.

    I was over the moon when the delivery driver dropped my Robo off last week. I had to wait a long time (10 weeks) and still going through my share of learning how to operate, run and diagnose the Robo but I am going well for now and look forward to providing any feed back as required.

    Some things I have needed to do so far:
    • Remove supplied side spool holder - I am still working on this but moving my spools to a high rearward position has eliminated my extruder feed problems. I am designing a reel holder that will be mounted to hold all my colours.
    • Bed adhesion - Best for me has been the glue stick but scarp bed clean every day and wipe clean. It works so well that I get worried I will break the item trying to remove it.
    • Replace supplied USB lead - As suggested, just do it. I spent hours wondering why my prints were stopping but matter control keeps running. Also noticed that Robo connects instantly now.
    • Small part need moding - I am lucky enough hat I am an avid Solidworks user and I have found that some models just don't work without tweaking. Small items higher than their width break off the bed. I find remodelling with a thin base film (0.3mm - 0.5mm) all around greatly stabilises the job.
    • Keep the extruder clean - Just do it.
    • Adjust all temperatures to suit ambient - It has been cool here and as the temperature drops, I increase bed and extruder temp accordingly which has work brilliantly. Lunch time temp 20°C, bed temp 55°C, extruder 200°C. Then at night 0°C, bed 60°C, extruder 210°C. Obviously based on PLA.
    • Reserve using bridging - It will always be up to the job being done but I have found "not" using bridging material works better in a lot of instances.
    Hope some of these points are useful and I would love to here from others experiences.

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  2. Galaxius

    Galaxius Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Slicer dependent as well. Glad you are off to a good start.
    Solidworks is da bomb. If you can't do it with that, you have larger problems.
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  4. Kangaroo and Koalas

    Kangaroo and Koalas New Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    That's it mate. I was thinking about just printing one but I am more inclined to do what you have and make a full system. I see you have removed all your plastic cowling. Any benefits?

    Mark - You are right! Solidwords is my job. And as far as the slicer, give me some tips?

    Also starting to get into the ABS now. Small high res. prints are great but the large they get the hot I have to run everything. Having to mod items with pads and some are still letting go. I might try the "ABS Juice" on a job I am have a lifting problems on. Any other suggestions?
  5. Galaxius

    Galaxius Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    The benefit is more access. The down side is it doesn't look as good and removes the option of using the cowl for mounting things. I don't think removing the cowl would affect ABS cooling as it's pretty open anyway.

    For slicing I'm currently using simplify3d. It's a great slicer and produces really easy to remove support material but I think it lacks in the finish quality I could get with Slic3r. It's falling behind the competition now I think. I've been thinking about going back to Repetier Host + Slic3r (free) but I keep using Simplify3d since I paid $150 for it, and Slic3r has been traditionally slow. Another option worth looking at is CraftWare. It's in beta but looks really good/promising, and free. Other people love Cura too.
    2 people like this.
  6. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Nice to see another solidworks user on board. Welcome!
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