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Hello 3D er's

Discussion in 'United States of America' started by Paul Williams, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. Paul Williams

    Paul Williams New Member

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Can anyone hear me? I posted my first post on another thread but my message disappeared. Am I actually here?
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Sorry, only me (and everyone else) can see this one.
    Printed Solid likes this.
  3. Paul Williams

    Paul Williams New Member

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Ok, thanks! lets try this again. Here is my first post that got lost somehow...

    Hello Robo 3D er’s, newbee here. I began searching for a 3d printer a few weeks ago and everytime I settled on a selection another one would pop up. I’ve made up my mind on what to purchase a half dozen times! I hope the Robo 3D is my final stop. I like what I see!

    For those of you that own one how do you feel about the printer and support you are receiving? And what do you like most and least about the product?


  4. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I'd say that the best thing about the Robo3D is this group. Seriously, we have a very nice, generally knowledgable, and always helpful community. That is a huge plus.

    Support seems to run hot and cold. They've come miles from where they used to be. I'd say that if you hang out here and get good first level advice or browse for your questions, you should be in good shape there. I.e. when you go to support and say that Mark Tomlinson says your hot end is broken, they should cover you pretty quickly.

    The pros of the printer: It has a large heated bed. It has an all metal hot end. The combination of these two things allows for some cool large prints with a wide variety of materials. I really don't think there is anything assembled under 1k right now that gives you that combo.

    The cons: I think the autoleveling is more annoying than useful, but I compensate for it with a fat first layer. Out of the box build quality has been hit and miss. They went through a patch where it seemed like everyone had faulty hot ends. Robo covered them, but still an annoyance for people who had bought and expected awesomeness out of the box. There have also been some pretty nasty issues with z-wobble that has given people some very rough surface finishes. They have adopted a community solution that seems to work, but none of them have hit the field yet, and their upgrade kits were all messed up, so we shall see. To their credit, they are replacing the messed up parts of the upgrade kits.

    The trick in the coming months will be trying to decipher who is pushing off stock of the old models (with the z-wobble problem) and who is selling the new ones. Good chance that we'll be seeing some serious discounts on the old models in the coming months.
    Mike Kelly likes this.

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