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Unanswered Jammed filament

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by D3DStudios, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. D3DStudios

    D3DStudios Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Hiya Y'all, I got my first jam today when I was trying to print out the One eyed minion from thinaverse.

    Anyways Does anyone have any good videos how to fix it? and the take the piece of filament out and re start the printer?
  2. bamhm182

    bamhm182 Active Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I don't know of a good video off the top of my head, but the best way I've found to clear a jam is to disassemble the hot end completely. From there, I take a straight dental pick I bought from harbor freight that happens to be the exact same diameter as the heat sink, heat it up with a lighter until it's really hot, then poke it inside of the heatsink and try to scrape out as much plastic as I can. I find that it helps to keep the dental pick clean if you have a box nearby that you can stab as soon as you pull out any plastic. The plastic will stick to the box and leave you with a cleanish dental pick. Another thing I found out is that if you have a B string from a guitar, it's almost, if not exactly, the size of the nozzle. I'll heat that up and clean out the nozzle the same way that I cleaned the heat sink. It also doesn't hurt to grab the nozzle with some pliers and heat it up, then try to remove as much of the plastic as you can with the dental pick and guitar string. Once I reassemble it, I'll put filament back into it and manually push a few inches of it through, then grab the gear and push a few inches of it through with that just to make sure everything is clear.

    Some videos I came across suggest cleaning it with acetone. I couldn't get this to work for me, but it may have just been because I didn't give it enough time.

    While this is for the E3D v6, it should give you a good idea on how to assemble and disassemble the hot end.

    D3DStudios likes this.
  3. D3DStudios

    D3DStudios Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Thank you for the quick reply.

    The reason I think its jammed is simple.

    When I started a print a minion that I downloaded on thingiverse it started printing the brim support material after that it wouldn't print anymore.

    And I've tried again and no luck it wouldn't print anymore. And my R1 has Allen Wrench type screws instead of screws to release the hot end.

    Thanks Derek.
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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  5. bamhm182

    bamhm182 Active Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Also, make sure that the hot end is hot enough. I have some PLA from hatchbox and for a while I was printing at 205C. The Simplify 3D software had to be installed on this computer I reformatted, and I noticed they bumped it down to 195C. I tried printing out some black parts at 195 and was having issues where it would stop extruding. Bumped it up to 205 and it started working fine again. Might be something to consider.
    D3DStudios likes this.
  6. D3DStudios

    D3DStudios Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Thank you guys, Printed Solid has helped me quite abit. he got my printer working sort of helped me tech support.
    bamhm182 likes this.
  7. apwolf

    apwolf Member

    Aug 4, 2015
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    Have you seasoned your nozzle?

    Sent from my One Plus One. Don't be evil.
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  8. D3DStudios

    D3DStudios Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    No sir, I will be printing out an Oiler from Thingaverse as soon as I get back together today.
  9. apwolf

    apwolf Member

    Aug 4, 2015
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    Season the nozzle regardless you will be surprised at what it will do for you.

    Sent from my One Plus One. Don't be evil.

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