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Just got your printer?? Things to keep in mind

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by tesseract, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. splk3

    splk3 New Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    I'm in the process of trying to get the 1st layer to stick properly and will go through all of these tips and let everyone know how it is going. Hopefully soon!! bed seems fairly level so I expect I will be able to print the leveling shims before I hit any big issues.
  2. twopinacoladas

    twopinacoladas New Member

    Nov 13, 2013
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    I have had variable sucess getting the first layer to stick Blue 3m Tape seems to work with the heatbed and a little hairspray on top. Now it seems as though my problem is the extruder hitting the layers of filament or it sticking up to much and then running into it and dragging it all over the build platform. I have tried different heights. Continuing to play with it until I get it...
  3. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    the issue you are having is the first layer is still too high the BIGGEST problem new users have is realizing wha tht filament should look like when it is extruded properly
    first layer example-small.jpg

    Notice how flat the skirt is


    if you have filament that is rounded it is simply being laid down on the print surface but in 2d printing it needs to be PUT down against the surface the result is that the filament becomes flattened out
    not completely flat but flattened like in the pic it should be solid all the way across and as in this pic which shows the skirt, and it has two loops, the loops have merged together with only the slightest of lines showing in the middle of the the skirt loops. It should come completely together.

    If you notice the single raised line in the printed area that was when I manually lifted the x carriage just to experiment
    this was good and bad it showed how much I had flattend teh regular print but it also showed why people have trouble. If you get a print and the first layer is made up of those "high" lines it will look really good and you will think that it is going well but a print startingout like that will probably fail about 90% of the time and people will blame it on many other things but in actuality it boils down to the first layer was not flattened out enough

    If you have question feel free to contact me in Skype my contact info is in my signature just request a contact and say you are from the robo forum and I will respond as quickly as I can
    2 people like this.
  4. twopinacoladas

    twopinacoladas New Member

    Nov 13, 2013
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    Thanks for the reply I have already seemingly got it working pretty good just now seeing your post you are correct. I am printing a cube from another thread ditched the 3m tape and lowered the extruder and adjusted the zstop accordingly. Its almost done and looks very good thus far. Thanks again I am looking forward to getting a quality model print done soon :)
  5. splk3

    splk3 New Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Good advice - thanks! I've been having better luck recently with sticking and am pretty consistent, but have now made 4-5 1/4 cubes that started getting stringy partway through. I've cleaned the hobbed bolt and took apart the extruder checking for clogs. Once I get that back together, I'll try again and see where I stand.
  6. SteveC

    SteveC Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    splk3, If you have had to clean your hobbed bolt a few times get a new on from ebay. No mater what you do it will keep coming back to haunt your prints.
  7. splk3

    splk3 New Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    ok - I will try it out - I ordered one and its somewhere in my "lab"...I was hoping they were making the new ones better, but I'll definitely swap it out and see how it goes.
  8. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    I got my ABS+PLA printer a few months ago but have only just gotten around to setting it up. I went through the "gifted" PLA trying to get it to print as smoothly and amazingly as the above image, to no success. My printer came supposedly fully calibrated, but seeing as how the extruding filament was not sticking to the glass, I tried to resent my Z height using the business card method.
    I recently received some ABS filament. Now I know that this is probably jumping into the deep end before learning how to swim, but it's all I've got at the moment. No matter what level I set my Z axis to, the filament that is extruded just bunches up and does not stick to the heat bed. I have put blue 3M painter's tape on it, ensured it's clean for each attempt, and heated it to the recommended temperatures for ABS - ie 100 for the first layer and 90 for each layer after that. I was able to print the 15mm cube ok, but I physically had to hold down the melted filament for the first layer. Can you please tell me what the best method would be to get the heat bed perfectly level (as I have read this is required), even though the printer came fully calibrated? Also, is there some other kind of tape that allows the filament to grip better?


  9. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    I got my ABS+PLA printer a few months ago but have only just gotten around to setting it up. I went through the "gifted" PLA trying to get it to print as smoothly and amazingly as the above image, to no success. My printer came supposedly fully calibrated, but seeing as how the extruding filament was not sticking to the glass, I tried to resent my Z height using the business card method.
    I recently received some ABS filament. Now I know that this is probably jumping into the deep end before learning how to swim, but it's all I've got at the moment. No matter what level I set my Z axis to, the filament that is extruded just bunches up and does not stick to the heat bed. I have put blue 3M painter's tape on it, ensured it's clean for each attempt, and heated it to the recommended temperatures for ABS - ie 100 for the first layer and 90 for each layer after that. I was able to print the 15mm cube ok, but I physically had to hold down the melted filament for the first layer. Can you please tell me what the best method would be to get the heat bed perfectly level (as I have read this is required), even though the printer came fully calibrated? Also, is there some other kind of tape that allows the filament to grip better?


  10. Cybus

    Cybus Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Rusty,
    I just started printing in ABS a few days ago, and I've gotten excellent with Elmer's purple non-toxic glue stick applied in a thin layer over blue painter's tape. This allows the print to stay stuck on the bed without popping off or warping, but it isn't too hard to get off once the bed's cooled down. The ABS will sometimes stick to plain blue tape, but it isn't very reliable, at least with my filament/tape combination. Also, what speed are you printing at? I've found with both PLA and ABS that on prints with sharp corners or small areas protruding off to the sides, lowering the first layer speed drastically improves first layer adhesion. (I think in Slic3r you just set the first layer speed to X% of the speed for the other layers.) You may not need this with the glue stick, but my printer blew a fuse before I was able to find out for sure, and I haven't gotten a replacement yet.

    As for leveling the bed, try Tesseract's bed levelers. I know several members here have used them successfully: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:125626
  11. scotta

    scotta Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Cyrus, try ditching the tape and just use the glue straight on the glass. Works for me.
  12. Cybus

    Cybus Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    OK, thanks, I'll try that when my fuses get here. Darn USPS...
  13. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Rusty give me a shout on Skype sometime I believe I can help you out but you should get some more PLA on order soon ABS will be handful
    Checkout my sig for the skype info
  14. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for the advice. I've had mixed results with the elmer's glue on the 3M tape. I might try glue straight onto the glass.
    I am definitely NOT getting flat lines on the prints. The lines are tube-like and messy at times. I now have a problem where the extruder and the heat bed are not heating up at the same time. They used to do this, but stopped about a day ago. Now I am unable to print anything. Either the extruder heats up, or the bed, not both. After a while they will start cooling down as well without any intervention from me.

    Repetier-Host V0.95f is also telling me, when I start up, that there are commands waiting even when both the computer and the printer have been switched off over night. I can not find any information on the Repetier site about how to purge commands. Is there some kind of G-Code I can insert so that after each job is killed all pending commands are purged?

    Here are a few pictures of what I am currently dealing with. Please not that as soon as I started up today and connected to the printer via Repetier-Host, it believed the extruder was 2600 degrees.



  15. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    If your lines are round then you are too high. End of story .you will find many post about this aspect many I posted my self. As far as the heating problem I have seen the bed get hot and then shut off and there are a couple of fixes for that but I have not heard of it happening on the extruder. The bed issue is caused by the poly fuses(large yellowish square components) on the ramps board the one for the heatbed is rated at 11A and with the heater and teh configuration they use on teh robo sometimes this cause the polyfuse to over heat and when this happens it simply cuts off power and the bed cools when the poly fuse cools off the bed works again. The fixes include swapping the polyfuse for a 14A substitute, which is what I did, the other is to add a fan directed right at the plyfuse to keep it cooler overall. Both have worked for people so the choice is yours the Robo guys can let you know what they currently think. At one time it was swapping the fuse but it may be different now.
    2 people like this.
  16. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Thanks tesseract. When my printer is capable of moving again I'll lower the Z axis to make it closer to the glass.

    Right now I can not power up the heat bed or the extruder. The fuse at the power switch is intact, and when I power on the 3D printer it makes a humming sound and I can hear a fan spinning on the side opposite to the USB input. There is a yellow light behind the USB input but no command I send to the printer initiates the heaters or moves the extruder in any direction. Could this be related to the poly fuses?
  17. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Don't worry about the non communication issue. I determined this to be Cura installed at the same time as Repetier.
  18. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Unfortunately uninstalling Cura hasn't fixed the printer's ability to only heat up the extruder OR the heatbed.
  19. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    I've uninstalled and reinstalled Repetier Host and it appears to be capable of heating both the extruder and the bed simultaneously now.
  20. Rusty

    Rusty New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Ok, I've elevated the printer using some of the packing foam which came with it. I'll try to get a fuse to replace the 11A, but I was wondering is this the type of 14A fuse you are referring to?


    Holding Current: 14A
    Tripping Current: 23.8A
    Initial Resistance Max: 0.0064ohm
    Operating Voltage: 16V
    Series: POLYFUSE
    PTC Fuse Case: Radial Leaded
    External Depth: 3.5mm
    Fuse Terminals: Radial Leaded

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