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Partially Solved My R1 just stopped working altogether - Arduino failure

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by gstercken, Dec 14, 2014.

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  1. gstercken

    gstercken Member

    May 10, 2014
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    Today I tried to start a new print, after a week or so of inactivity. However, RepetierHost couldn't communicate with the printer: The log showed a message "No start signal received", and the commands kept queueing up. Manual control of the steppers or the extruder had no effect. Never had that happen before.

    Then I noticed that Fritzing was also running on my PC - and the latest version has a "Code View" feature that lets you directly upload sketches to Arduinos. So I figured that might interfere with the serial communication, so I quit Fritzing and tried again, same problem. Rebooting the PC didn't help.

    So I guessed that maybe Fritzing might have somehow corrupted the firmware on the R1's Arduino - after all, it's a Beta, and the "Code View" feature is new. So I fired up the Arduino IDE and tried to re-upload the Marlin firmware (I have a modified firmware anyway since I upgraded to the E3DV6 a while ago). But still - while the Arduino was correctly identified as "Arduino Mega 2560 on COM5", the upload failed with a timeout:

    "avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer".

    Luckily, I happened to have an unused Arduino Mega 2560 lying around, so I tried uploading the firmware there - worked like a charm.

    I still didn't know if the R1's Arduino was zapped or if something else (like the RAMPS board or some defective wiring) caused the problem, so I removed the controller from the printer and tried connecting the naked Arduino to upload the firmware: Same problem, looks like somehow the Arduino got trashed.

    After replacing the printer's Arduino with the spare one, RepetierHost could connect just fine, and the printer is up and running again.

    My questions:
    • Has anyone experienced a failed Arduino before on the R1? Any idea what could have caused this?
    • Is it imaginable that running Fritzing in parallel with RepetierHost could have somehow damaged the programmer on the Arduino?
    • Anything I might try to save the Arduino, or is a hardware failure likely?

    Thanks for any ideas and insight.
  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Generally the Arduino Mega is pretty robust. They will take a fair bit of punishment. I can't imagine that Fritzring could kill one via the USB connection either.

    With the Ramps and LCDs controllers connected on the Robo the voltage regulator(s) on the Arduino is working really hard. Have you checked that both the 5v and 3.3v power is there on the Mega board when it is connected via USB? (eg Leds come on?)
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  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    1) Yes, there have been a couple of failures reported (we know they were because replacement of the Arduino addressed them) in the forum over the past couple of years. I don't recall if any of these were R1 specific or if they were Betas.
    2) Like @Ziggy says -- not very likely.
    3) You can try the suggestions here:

    Good luck. Smart man too, I keep a spare Arduino and Ramps (and a full set of motor driver cards) as spares...
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  4. gstercken

    gstercken Member

    May 10, 2014
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    Thanks, guys.

    Yeah, right? Seems very implausible to me, too. I just brought it up since running the latest version of Fritzing was the only variable I introduced (to my knowledge) since when I was last able to print successfully.

    Interesting point. I just reconnected the old Arduino board, and measured the output voltage. The 3.3 pin is giving me 3.28V, but the 5V pin reads something in the 160mV range... So it looks indeed like the on-board voltage regulator got fried.

    I see. So together with Ziggy's info about the hard-working voltage regulators, I guess my problem is not a very exotic one, but something that is expected to occur occasionally and eventually, due to some underdimensioned electronics in the R1 design?

    Thanks, I'll have a look at those. But from what it looks like right now, I guess my Arduino Mega really got fried.

    Hehe... Thanks, but no - just dumb luck. I ordered that Arduino Mega a while ago for a robotics project (InMoov), but hadn't used it yet. But after today's experience, I ordered another backup Mega right away, should be delivered tomorrow. Once it's here, I'll repeat the experiment (running Fritzing and RepetierHost together), just in case. For science! ;-)

    But hm, that last part of your reply got me a bit confused, and intrigued: What do you mean by "full set of motor driver cards"? Aren't the stepper drivers all on the RAMPS board? Are there any other driver boards that I'm not aware of?
  5. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    If you buy them individually, some RAMPS boards come 'bare' meaning there are no stepper drivers on them. Others come with 4, some with 5 (i.e. both E0 and E1 have driver boards populated). Since they are just small daughter-cards it is easy to mount/dis-mount them as needed.
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  6. gstercken

    gstercken Member

    May 10, 2014
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    I see... Thanks for the info. :) I wasn't aware that the RAMPS boards come in different configurations / can be populated with additional drivers.

    And btw, how can I mark this thread as "resolved"? I can't seem to find any option for that.
  7. Dbeal

    Dbeal Active Member

    Jul 10, 2014
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    Click Edit Title Edit.JPG
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  8. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    There should be a thread tools menu up top and an edit thread option. There you can change the status.
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