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Old Robo Software vs New Software

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lance Weston, Feb 1, 2022.

  1. Lance Weston

    Lance Weston Active Member

    Jun 2, 2018
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    I just got in an old R2 circa 2017. The IR probe did a 4x4 map of the bed. However it did not recognize the G36 gcode command. The G36 command has a home followed by a G35 command which does an additional probe test measuring ambient light before executing a G29 bed leveling.

    The last code by Robo which I posted recognizes the G36 command. The problem is that it only has a 3x3 map of the bed.

    I have posted in
    How to modify the latest code to an NxN map. I use 5x5.

    I would recommend updating to the latest code and then modifying to a 5x5 map.
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    In this case I assume you mean the firmware. Be cautious with the later revisions of RoboOS -- those were not stable.
  3. Lance Weston

    Lance Weston Active Member

    Jun 2, 2018
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    I have posted the last release from Robo and I have compiled with Marlin 1.8.9


    I have this code and many mods to the code running on four machines running 24/7 with no stability problems. I am going to pull the Robo system board and put in a Partsbuiltcom board. It is more rugged and I can configure it for DVR8825 stepper drivers. The Robo board has a 12v supply that will eventually fail and the stepper drivers are not replaceable.

    It could be the Marlin version I am using is the same version that Robo used on the last release. I like the G36 command with it's setting a reference for ambient light using the IR board.

    One thing I noticed on this earlier version with the pogo pins was the display seem to be higher quality. The bearings in the print head and the rods are giving me a really tight fit that I did not see on the later units I have. I suspect Robo started with higher quality bearings and rods. By having the bed connector not on the bed and not subject to a 70C environment I think the bed connector will survive. The bed connector failed on all of my other machines and I wound up hard wiring to the bed. I use the flexplate system with micro porous glass, the bed does not have to be removed.

    I am waiting for the plate mounting screws and springs to come in from Partsbuilt. For some reason they were the only thing missing from this machine which looks like it was hardly used. I can't wait to take a look at the output of this machine.
    #3 Lance Weston, Feb 4, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
    supercazzola likes this.

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