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Pretty Frustrating

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Red Submarine, Mar 23, 2014.

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  1. Red Submarine

    Red Submarine Active Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    SOLVED: In the end, I believe it to have been a combination of loose wiring, wires that could barely reach, and the tight fit of the arduino fan that caused the machine to connect but not function. I simply removed and reconnected the wires and left the fan unclipped to the arduino and everything is dandy now.

    So this weekend, with the help of several members on here, I was able to contact the team at R3D and drive down to San Diego to pick up my printer. The guys were great, they've got boxes all over the place, seems like business is good.

    Unfortunately, after setting up my printer with the manual configuration controls, it now no longer works, I wasn't even able to get a test print out :( Here's what happened:

    1. There were no test prints loaded in the software they provided, only links to the box, which the program could not find, so I decided to create a file using the create feature and spelled out my name, "Jake". The file seemed fine, sliced well, etc.

    2. Everything was already heated up, so I hit "start". It says 3:50s remaining, begins the countdown, but nothing happens. So I cancel the print, mess around with the advanced settings, etc. Start again and still nothing.

    3. At this point theres a ton of PLA built up on the head, so I go to move the Z axis up 10mm and, you guessed it, nothing happened! :eek: The printer is now immobilized for any computer given commands.

    It seems I am having the same problem listed here: http://forums.robo3dprinter.com/index.php?threads/printer-stops-printing-mid-print.1726/ . But seriously, right out of the box? After an almost 6 hour round trip drive to get this thing I am pretty upset. I've ordered the LCD screen already. I just can't believe that this is happening.

    I know Jerry hand tested this machine himself, his signature is underneath and there was red PLA in it when I heated it up. Does anyone have any quick fixes or do I have to wait another week for my LCD to arrive?
  2. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    That's not necessarily a printer problem, It's the communication between your computer and the printer, something is causing it to drop. It could be a hundred different things, drivers, usb issues, memory problems. Hard to say for sure.
    I know in my machine if I plug or unplug an HDMI cable on my laptop, it's bye bye printer. Something about the graphics driver restarting on my end. So now I know not to do that.
    It can actually happen a lot, a big reason for going to the card readers for many and that will solve a lot of issues.
    For now its best to just unplug and restart everything and start over. Its very normal when you're just starting out to have computer issues until it is set up right on your end.
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    >It says 3:50s remaining, begins the countdown, but nothing happens. <

    How long did you wait? It can take (sometimes) a few minutes before the printing actually starts (after you click print) at least with Repetier...
  4. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    It will always wait until it is right on temperature before it starts, Yeah it will never just "hit print" and it takes off running the job. I always preheat mine to make sure their is no solid plastic on the tip and even then it takes a couple seconds to balance it. It will however home itself as soon as you hit run job. Bringing itself to the front left corner, if it doesn't do that you should address that. Generally by reinstalling repetier and trying again.
  5. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Also you can try CURA instead of repetier, many problems people are having are because of the software, not the printer, it's unfair that the printer and Robo as a company always seems to take the blame. You said yourself they had the printer set up and running. That is a for sure sign to me that the problem is on your end.
  6. Peter Krska

    Peter Krska Active Member

    Nov 30, 2013
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    First, restart the computer. Second - follow the youtube video on setting up Repetier. Then go into Repetier settings and make sure you are on the right com port. Did you restart Windows?

    Next, connect the printer. Top left in Repetier. Is it Green. Yes continue to testing. No, go back to com port settings.

    If it's Green, the test the z axis, extruder and homing the printer.

    Extrude 10 mm and if it's flowing, your good to go. Test the bed temp. See if increases in temp.

    Once all is working start the print.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  7. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Just wanted to add to what Peter said, before you extrude 10 mm to test, make sure you bring it up to temperature first.
  8. Red Submarine

    Red Submarine Active Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    I waited until the run timer ran past the total print time. It seems to me that there must be a physical problem somewhere. It was working fine, I could adjust X,Y, and Z with Matter Control no problem. As soon as I hit print is when I got problems. Literally nothing responds anymore. I can't heat it up, move it, extrude with it, etc.

    edit: I found the port settings and am able to connect the printer and get a green connection symbol but still can't make it move.

    All of the cables seem to be connected still, my arduino fan is running well. I've also rebooted the printer and my Mac to no avail. I'm going to run to Radio Shack and see if a new cable will temporarily fix it.
  9. Red Submarine

    Red Submarine Active Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    So after buying a brand new, gold plated 20$ usb cable, it still does not work. The only other thing I can think of is trying a different computer, otherwise I'm pretty stuck on this problem...
  10. Red Submarine

    Red Submarine Active Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    So, long story short, after messing with it for the last several hours, it is again working. I ended up removing all the wires and re connecting them to be sure they connected well. I also unclipped the arduino fan from the board itself. My theory is that the fan was pulling on one of the wires when the fan was clipped around the board, causing it to connect poorly (it was very short and almost did not reach its connector when I tried to re connect it).

    It seems that, after more research on this, I am only one of many who have had the "it connects but does not work" problem. Thanks to those who figured out the loose wiring before me.
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