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R1 plus Printing question

Discussion in 'Projects' started by JWW, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. JWW

    JWW Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Well I generated supports using MatterControl on the "just_leg_test.stl" (my first picture posted above) to see how they would work with the settings I generated. It seemed fine to me and they were easy to remove. So I tried again with supports on the "main_body_LS65.stl" to see if the overall print would be acceptable. I fired up the printer and walked away. I came back and checked on the print about an hour later and it was printing air, meaning no PLA was being extruded ... nice. I should mention that this is a complete new Robo R1 plus hex head, purchased from Robo which I've only used about 4 times since I installed it. <bummer> I took out the two long screws on the Robo filament tensioner and flipped it down and noticed the filament sort of had a kink in it like it was trying to feed via the gear but couldn't. I cut it off and left about 2 inches hanging out but when I tried to pull it out, I couldn't. It does move in and out but something is on the end of it preventing it coming out. The hex head was fully heated, at least the software said it was.

    I don't know the physical construction of the hex head internally. I assume I need to disassemble the hex head to remove the filament? Is there anything I should be aware of? Sure would hate to mess up a new hex head considering how long it took to get a Robo hex head.

    Regards ...
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    This video covers assembly and you can see what is involved in tearing it down too. The Robo one is slightly different in that the thermistor is a canister style now and there are quick disconnects for the thermsitor and heater core, but in general this is the same thing.

  3. JWW

    JWW Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    ... thanks.

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