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Robo 3D +Plus Firmware

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Schlomo, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Schlomo

    Schlomo Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Just recently got a new Robo 3d R1 +Plus and wondered if the firmware for this model was the same as the R1 +.

    Can anyone verify?

    If not, does anyone know where I might find it? Their website simply says to email support.

    jrs3d likes this.
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    The R1 +Plus or R1+ or R1 plus is all the same printer, just branding.

    The firmware is here: http://guide.robo3d.com/Wiki/ROBO_3D_Firmware_Release_Notes

    they hide it under the "Lead screw upgrade firmware" but it's identical to what's on the R1+

    They put that notice on there to try and prevent people from needlessly trying to "update" the firmware, since the firmware on the R1+ is already the latest and doesn't need updating.

    I've asked them to change the wording like 3 times but still no luck
  3. Schlomo

    Schlomo Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    I figured that was probably the case, just wanted to be sure.

    I've noticed on my printer that the bounds of the Y axis are not right. It thinks the build platform is longer than it really is, and will try to print on non heated areas, even though in Cura i've defined the build platform to be 228x254x228 per one of the posts on here's suggestions for Cura.

    Would this be a Firmware setting? Im assuming for this printer it is, but im still unclear on exactly what information is pulled from where. It seems that much of the information is pulled from the prints Gcode, but some is also referenced from Firmware.

    Is the print area I defined actually over-read by firmware when doing a G29? For me a G29 does not actually hit what I would think are the correct points. It is WAY off specifically for the center (x,y) test poitn. Seems to favor more to the right side of the bed than the middle.
  4. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Are you basing that off the square? That's not accurate. The Square doesn't really indicate anything, and the heated area is only 8.2"x8.2"
  5. Schlomo

    Schlomo Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    I see, i actually just read that a second ago in another post. Thank you for the information, i guess i'll just continue to bias my prints so that they fall in that heated area.
    mark tomlinson likes this.

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