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Unanswered X axis keeps printing on one side

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by MetalGear, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. MetalGear

    MetalGear New Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Hi guys, ive been looking for an answer to this question for about 3 days now, no kidding. I have searched different forums with no luck. im beginning to get irritated with this issue and need some help badly. so first off when I try to print it starts off fine and calibrates in the center of the first 2 heat warning squares and almost an inch past the white boarder on the other end. then once it starts to print it will go to the left side of the R1 symbol on the glass and hits the wall screwing up my prints. Ive called and emailed and received insufficient responses. I will have to call again unless one of you brilliant minds helps me clear this up once and for all.

    so how do I make it so that my printer prints back like when I first received it and stop it from going to the darn side to do my prints. I even tried moving my prints away from the place it prints and it STILL goes back to its favorite spot, and seeing it do that is just so annoying!!!!

    thanks for your time
  2. Stephen Capistron

    Stephen Capistron Active Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    First, ignore the graphics on the glass. They mean nothing.

    If you enter G28 into the terminal does the printer home to the center of the bed normally? And/or does it appear to go through the autolevel process correctly?

    Based on the wackyness you describe are you sing MatterControl? Most of us hear have moved on to Cura, Repetier, or Simplify3D($). I would recommend looking into setting up either of those on your machine. Personally I've been using Cura and find it to be quite nice.

    I've seen it come up a lot where people are intimidated to setup new software such as cura. To...
  3. David BOles

    David BOles Member

    Feb 20, 2015
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    So it starts printing in the correct location and then moves to the left in increments while printing? If so, try tightening the X axis belt, my Y axis was doing that too, the belt was skipping. Otherwise, try to give us a more detailed explanation.
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Or pictures.
    Or video.
  5. Stephen Capistron

    Stephen Capistron Active Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    You might have a loose set screw on the drive motor for the x axis or a bad bearing in there somewhere.

    With the printer off can you slide the carriage left and right with about equal effort?

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