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  1. mike2017
    mike2017 Geof
    hello i am new to the 3d printing i am have a lot of issues with my robo r1 plus it keeps do shifting layers i have tighten the belts when i print using simplify3d it does that but when i use matter control it works fine.....any help would be appeciated you can reach me best at my email at (edited by Mod) thanks again mike
    1. Geof
      Hi Mike,
      I've sent you a PM and removed your email from public view.
      Sep 8, 2017
  2. mike2017
    mike2017 mark tomlinson
    need help all my wheel prints are shifting layers can you help?
  3. Autom8ed
    Autom8ed Mike Kelly
    Hi Mike, you mentioned that SD was the fix when it started being unable to finish prints. Do you mean I might need to replace my XXL LCD controller since I'm having the same problem? Thanks in advance.
  4. huney man
  5. Dick Travis
    Dick Travis
    Having fun with the R2, but would like to get the plugin for Cura to print in 2 colors??
  6. tanguy duhamel
  7. Laurens42
  8. jason rowsey
    jason rowsey Harry
    I cant attach a file. It is under the file size restriction, I choose the file, and it loads and just sits on the attachment screen. The only buttons are browse and close. Close does not attach the file. Please tell me what I am missing.
  9. OutsourcedGuru
    OutsourcedGuru Trevor C
    1. Trevor C
      Trevor C
      thanks for that ..i'm learning bit by bit!
      Aug 19, 2017
  10. JonO brien
  11. OutsourcedGuru
    OutsourcedGuru Kilrah
    "I simply VPN in and load the Octoprint server by IP to check the status..."
    My point earlier is that a software/hardware VPN out-of-box usually shares NETBIOS broadcasts to make things easier for the remote user. If Samba is broadcasting the NETBIOS name of the printer once per minute then you might try connecting to it via my-c2.local (whatever your serial number is) to see if the name broadcasting makes it thru.
  12. Michael Sailor
    Michael Sailor Mike Kelly
    Do you have any of the ROBO 3d enclosures left. I am trying to print with ABS and am having corners lifting.
    1. Mike Kelly
  13. MakingWithMatt
  14. alfie higgens
  15. jesaco payton
  16. Docdead
    Ahhh, heater bed just stopped working :(
  17. Bemster
    R2 received 7/20/17
  18. Bemster
    Engineer / Project Manager 30+ years in Mechanical and some controls CNC engineering and leak testing.
  19. Eric Albert
    Eric Albert
    New R2 owner...
  20. Haz Fra