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E3D Titan Extruder Top

Discussion in 'Mods and Upgrades' started by WheresWaldo, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. JustinDS89

    JustinDS89 Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    Really interesting mod. I have been wanting to start using flexible filaments with a shore rating of 85A to 95A, but not sure if the stock extruder is capable of handling this consistently.

    I may look into doing this upgrade.

    Any thoughts?
  2. WheresWaldo

    WheresWaldo Volunteer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
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    Feb 18, 2015
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    To be honest, the only reason I did this upgrade was that I bought a Titan when they came out and it was still in the box unused until this mod. Didn't want it to collect dust and remain unused. I have heard that the R2 / C2 extruder does work for flexibles. You certainly cannot disprove it by me, I never tried it.
  3. JustinDS89

    JustinDS89 Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    Ah okay cool.

    Yeah I thought it was suppose to be able to when I bought it, but I thought I saw something about that it may not for the softer filaments.

    I'm going to give the stock extruder a try first.
  4. Warp Norman

    Warp Norman Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Since I'm in Illinois, I'm sheltered in place. I thought it would be a good time to try and fix some of the R2's deficiencies. I decided your Titan mod would be one of those. I printed your extruder top. When I put the Titan in place, the filament hole does not line up. I'm using the file you have linked to in Fusion 360. Any reason why?

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  5. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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  6. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
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    May 7, 2018
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    Not having done this mod, I'm not sure if this can be done. However, have you tried flipping the piece over? (left to right flip based on your posted image)
  7. Warp Norman

    Warp Norman Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Yeah, flipping is not possible. I found the drawing of the Titan on E3d's website. Opened up his linked model in Fusion and adjusted accordingly. It was off 1.6mm. Also made some other changes that I wanted. Sure hate Fusion 360 though. Wish he used Solidworks or even Onshape. Going to use the smaller stepper motor and put a heatsink on it to help keep it cool. Printed the part out of PETG for now. Don't know if he ever had a problem with PETG holding up. If it gives me problems, I'll get some Polycarbonate.

    This is just part of my fixes for the R2 while on "Shelter in Place in Illinois". I redesigned the aluminum plate that holds the extruder. The extruder now sits in 12.85 thick aluminum plate with that I cnc'd on my MPCNC. I used a M4 clamping bolt. And I'm switching to CadSkull's 40mm fan conversion since I have the whole thing apart. I felt the aluminum plate change may cause a little blockage from the original fan so I felt the increase fan size would mitigate that. I made a few changes to 40mm fan conversion also to make it a bit sturdier.

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  8. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
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    May 7, 2018
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    Good Show. Glad that you were able to fix the situation. PetG should be able to handle the situation. Polycarbonate is a whole different beast :) Hopefully you won't have to go to that extreme sort of filament.
  9. Warp Norman

    Warp Norman Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Yeah, my polycarbonate filament is stuck at our kids robotics headquarters. Right now they don't want anybody there. WheresWaldo used PETG the last I heard. He hasn't reported that it was a problem.
  10. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
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    May 7, 2018
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    Now that everything is working and assuming that you have some time, would you mind posting a write-up in the Filament forum area for the R2 Printer on how you set up your R2 printer for printing with PetG and/or Polycarbonate filament? ( along with gotchas and tips for the folks who have not tried polycarbonate filament )
  11. Warp Norman

    Warp Norman Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I don't print Poly on the R2. I print it on a Flashforge Creator Pro. I print petg on the Creator pro or my Prusa MK3.
    I have Flexion extruders on my Creator pro so I can also print Ninjaflex also. It will run Ninjaflex up to 70mm/sec. But I mostly run between 60-65.

    The R2 has not been much of a workhorse mainly because it's a over priced piece of junk. It looked good on paper in the kickstarter campaign but they failed to deliver. Then they failed to support it. That's why this forum is so dead. Wisely they gave up on building printers. The E3 was made by Flashforge I think, only more money. They have a E3 Pro coming soon, also a Flashforge. Well, I guess you get the stem kits with it if that's your desire.
    I feel bad for those that paid full price for the R2.
    Being a coach on a kids FIRST FTC robotics team, I get asked lots about what kind of printer to buy. Prusa kit form or Ender 3's. Never did tell anybody to get a R2.

    I mainly print PLA on the R2. Maybe if these last chance upgrades work, that will change. Sorry I couldn't provide you with positive opinion.
    #51 Warp Norman, Mar 30, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
  12. Warp Norman

    Warp Norman Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    @WheresWaldo ,I have the Titan up and running. Did you change retraction setting at all?
  13. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
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    May 7, 2018
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    I prefer an honest answer to a "yes man" answer. My personal opinion of FlashForge printers is like your opinion of Robo printers.
    I had nothing but problems from the Flashforge printer which I had bought and their support was dismal. I gave away the Flashforge printer just to get rid of the headaches. And I considered them over-priced as well.
    At least with the Robo printers, I have a nice community of users who have been very helpful over the years.
    supercazzola likes this.
  14. Warp Norman

    Warp Norman Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Yeah, I did have one big problem with my flashforge. Had a connection burn up on the motherboard. Had to remove it and solder a new one in. They soldered the ends of the wires for their screw down connectors. Big no no.
    If you wanted a warrantee from flashforge, it was a couple hundred bucks for a couple of years. Big joke but that was 5 years ago. That was the only problem I had and the prints come out beautiful. Due to being apart of a kids robotics team, I got my Flashforge at a discounted price. Flexion also gave me a heavily discounted price on their extruders for the team. The Flexion extruders work really well with that machine.

    Printer options grow so fast. I was really cheering for Robo as they where a U.S. company even though they built the R2 in China. I thought Foxconn would have done a better job on their part.

    The guys here have done a tremendous job helping with this machine. I only wish Robo would release ALL of their code so you guys could make it better. If they would have done that in the beginning, I think Robo and this forum would be a different place.
    Prusa is the example of being completely open and successful.
    tkoco likes this.
  15. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    They built all of their printers in China :)
    Not just the R2. early on with the R1 support was at best dismal and more often AWOL.
    They got better.

    I suspect the entire re-tooling for the R2/C2 was ultimately the tactical error that took them down.
    They more or less at this point have released everything (the LCD menu code was one of the last bits to get out there).
    tkoco likes this.
  16. WheresWaldo

    WheresWaldo Volunteer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
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    Feb 18, 2015
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    Solidworks = $$$$$
    Fusion 360 = Free
    That is why I don't and won't use $olidworks

    Even though I have a first version Titan, I have several clones and I might have used the clones as the reference, I don't remember. On another note, I haven't turned on my R2 anytime in the last 4 mounts.

    With respect to the forum, it is dead because the community is shrinking and Robo has nothing for the consumer market. That and the bulk of users would rather ask the same question over and over on Facebook.
    supercazzola likes this.
  17. Warp Norman

    Warp Norman Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Well I want to thank you for your Titan mod. And thank you for giving access to the cad so it can be changed to suit ones needs.
    I have the Titan up and running and I like being able to control the tension vs the oem. Big improvement overall. I went with the smaller motor as suggested. Motor gets pretty hot so I added a heatsink to help offset the heat. Not sure I really need it but figured it can only help.

    Solidworks=$$$$ Understood. I wouldn't use it if I didnt have free access. I will most likely loose access to it in 2 years so I've been transitioning to Onshape. Very easy transition since it was made by former Solidworks employees. Only gripe would be you always need internet access. But since it runs on the cloud, it's not a problem on old pc's. Their team collaboration is the best I've used. I can have multiple students working on the same assembly at the same time. Really helpful as the robot starts to come together.

    I still use Fusion 360 for their cam. Phenomenal CAM. I'd pay for it if I had to. Nice that it's free. 360's import ability for other formats really is spot on also. Fusion 360 also does a better job on older pc's that won't run Solidworks. I just don't prefer 360 for cad but, can work with it. Not trying to offend
    They all have their pros and cons though.
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  18. WheresWaldo

    WheresWaldo Volunteer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
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    Feb 18, 2015
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    I try to post source on anything I upload to Thingiverse, two reasons, it helps the community and I can slough off all requests to mod the model.

    I stated a long time ago with AutoCAD when I was building houses, then with FreeCAD when I started 3D modeling, moved to 123Design because it was much more visual, then when Autodesk discontinued 123D I moved to Fusion 360, they have come a long way since I started with it, I am on year 4 of my free licenses.
    supercazzola and tkoco like this.
  19. adikted2astro

    adikted2astro Active Member

    Aug 10, 2017
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    I gotta chime in on the R2 discussion here. I was very displeased with the R2 for a long time. It is most definitely NOT worth the money they charge for one. I've had tons of problems with mine, but this forum probably saved me every single time. Robo's customer support is abysmal and always has been. I haven't even tried contacting them in a couple of years due to this.

    But...................after all the work, upgrades, and mods I've made to my R2, it is now a beast that prints magnificently in every filament I use and for the most part, successful prints every time (>90%). Yes it took mo money and a lot of hard work and time, but I am not sorry at all that I bought it. This printer, and especially this forum, has taught me more about 3D printing than I ever would've thought possible and again, my prints are nothing short of AMAZING now. I can print flexibles, PETG, Nylon, ABS, PLA, carbon fiber infused filaments, everything (except PC which would be nice actually), and I can print them better than the $30,000 machine my university has.

    All of that being said, I am now going to try and buy another printer that has dual extruders. Thankfully I got a spectacular job right before this COVID crisis and can now afford to get some serious quality printers. I apologize if this doesn't jive with this thread, but I was hoping a few of you could direct message me and recommend some printers, or warn me away from the ones I'm looking at. My current list is a Raise3D Pro 2, a BCN3D Sigmax (or maybe an Epsilon), and a Taz Pro. Not sure which one to pick but it has to have dual extruders, independent or otherwise, and be able to print PC. I'm open to suggestions for sure, but I'll keep my R2 probably until the day I die..........................maybe.
  20. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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