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I've finally fixed my Y-axis shift problem. FOREVER!!!!

Discussion in 'Show and Tell' started by Morichalion, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. Morichalion

    Morichalion Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    .... or just for now. Probably just for now.

    Anyway, It's still mildly janky for being fixed. :\

    The problem I've been having is that tightening the screws on the y-axis tension clip resulted in the belt actually slipping over itself inside the clip. So the basic, first-step advice of "tighten the screws" did essentially nothing at all except create frustration.

    I made a messy little clamp out of 2 screws and a cut-up safety pin. positioned just outside of the tension clip, it holds the belt in place. It worked. Not pretty, but it worked.

    I wanted an actual clip to replace it, so I asked for help here, Geof was able to provide an .stl. It actually ended up being a bit tall, so I shortened it and tested it. Unfortunately it had the same problem, more pronounced, even. So I modified the clip, printed it again, now it works just fine.

    One last bit o' frustration is the y-axis belt being just a hair too short for my tastes. Pulling it to the janky-fix clamp made it difficult to fit in the printed-fix clamp. So, it all works, it's just closer than I'd like it to be.

    I have a belt, along with a few other things, on order. Should get here in a week or so. Once it gets here, I'll replace the whole belt with one ~15mm longer so I can more easily clamp it in the new clips.

    I'm attaching the clip I modified in the event that someone else is having similar issues.

    Here's some pictures.

    Attached Files:

    janot928, Geof and mark tomlinson like this.

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