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Just a fun one. Tac rail for a Bow.

Discussion in 'Projects' started by AxisLab, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I just finished archery league so it's back to backyard fun shooting and practice for the upcoming seasons.
    I love my bow but it dawned on me, it needs more lasers and tactical lights. (doesn't everything??) So I designed a simple mount last night for all the laser and night shooting needs I may come across this summer.
    I ran out of black on the first design thanks to the chess set project but the blue works just the same for now.
    I have it set where I can flick the laser on an off with my pinky even at full draw. Kinda cool.



  2. 3D Printer Man

    3D Printer Man Active Member

    May 21, 2016
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    Nice Project

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