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Quick small update.

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Harry, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    I'm in the 500's too :(

    Hopefully the next boat is en route soon
  2. bringjustn

    bringjustn Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I'm in July so I get to wait a while... if only I would have just jumped on the boat when I first started watching the Robo... but it was my first kickstarter... darn cold feet.

    I just hope there are more than 400. It would be nice to find out that there is enough to finish out all of May's orders. With the rest being loaded on a ship now or really soon, a update to the status of the rest of the order would be great with the next official update.

    Not sure how things work in Chinese factories, but when I worked in factory’s doing both blow and injection moldings we tried to run the mold for a full order before changing over to another Die. Granted sometimes you can't if the die break or needs repair and if they run out of the color needed.
  3. keraynopoylos

    keraynopoylos New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    No they have not shipped any Aprils, as they have not finished with March yet. I should know, I haven't heard anything from them and I'm March.

    Harry or anyone from the Robo3D team, can I please get a simple answer as to whether you have shipped all of the 100 cases that have arrived already?
  4. Harry

    Harry Team ROBO 3D
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Hey Keraynopoylos, they are pretty close to that I believe. If not all, almost all. They may be holding a few incase they need to get replacement parts for people whose printers arrive broken, but then will release those when they get this other big batch thru Customs. That is a guess so let me get you guys a more accurate answer right now.
  5. cosber

    cosber Active Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I feel like we're becoming those crazed mobs that are about to smash the windows of the general store to get all the supplies before the town runs out-I'm trying to put it out of my mind like I did when I first got in on it in January and my shipped by date was May, but now that the date is passed, I'm looking here two-three times a day for good news. I retire in 3 years, 3 weeks, 2 days. Hopefully I'll have it by then.
    2 people like this.
  6. keraynopoylos

    keraynopoylos New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Thanks Harry for offering to find out why I wasn't included in the March tier shipments, both in this thread and on the shoutbox.

    You asked me to give you a moment while you were checking it out and I happily waited until now, almost 2 hours later, that I see you went offline.

    I must say I am rather disappointed at the fact that apart from you(at least you offered to find an answer, even if you didn't), 2 members of the actual Robo3D staff were online and not one of them bothered to answer my simple question(both here and the shoutbox) .
  7. Ben Lindstrom

    Ben Lindstrom Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I think what you are missing is the fact that Harry isn't a direct member of the Robo3d team. He is just the forum admin. So he has slightly better access to them, but it doesn't mean he can walk over and ask someone in shipping department.

    So one has to be patient.
  8. Stas

    Stas New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Hey I am in March too. Probably one of the last ones in that month. No shipping notice yet.
  9. keraynopoylos

    keraynopoylos New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I have no idea what the exact affiliation of the user Harry with the Robo3D team is and frankly, nor do I care.

    He is the only person that responds to people of this forum. If he hasn't got the authority to act as intermediate, then Robo team should have stopped him from trying to do so long ago. If this is the case though, this forum has no official representation whatsoever, and it's just a bunch of backers trying to help each other by guessing.

    Even though Harry told me "give me a moment" and after 2 hours just logged off(he could just say: "sorry, couldn't reach them"), as you can see on my previous post, my biggest disappointment has to do with the fact that 2(online) members of the actual Robo team totally ignored my valid question.

    And this is consistent with the incredible(for a very late project) lack of communication we have had throughout the project.

    For the last time: I completely understand the complexity of a project of this scale and the fact that the team is inexperienced. That's why I have waited for 4 months -so far- beyond the originally stated delivery date, without ranting. And I would be very willing to continue giving time credit. But they have to show me that they are aware of their tardiness and also that they are trying.

    So I will be patient, if I know why.
  10. Harry

    Harry Team ROBO 3D
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Hey Ben, you're write and wrong. haha. I have direct access to all 3 of them so can get answers easily from them. But i am not "A direct member of the robo team" is where you are right. ;)
  11. Harry

    Harry Team ROBO 3D
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    And Keraynopoylos, sorry about that, I was actually on my mobile (Via Taptalk) and had forgotten to ask. Sorry about them, asking now.
  12. Harry

    Harry Team ROBO 3D
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Keraynopoylos, still working on tracking this down for you.
  13. Coby Robo 3D

    Coby Robo 3D Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Sending out a kickstarter update soon. We are preparing all printers in anticipation of all of the cases from china. Things are looking good for getting these out to all of you.
    3 people like this.
  14. bringjustn

    bringjustn Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Though I could wait for the update… I’m bored at work and impatient.
    When you say “all” do you mean all of the cases are on their way from China? If so is this just the one boat, or 2 boats but both have left, or is it by boat and plane, or maybe a being carried by an African swallow on the traditional coconut migration route?
  15. Alexander

    Alexander New Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Hey Robo3D team,

    Since so many people are asking about their printer and delivery times, I think it would be a good idea to place some basic info about it on this site.

    Information like:
    - the order number (or something similar) of the last shipped printer
    - the estimated date and volume of the next batch of printers to be shipped

    And maybe:
    - the number of printers shipped so far
    - the number of printers still left to ship

    This info could just be in a sticky post on the forum, updated whenever things change.
    I hope it's not too much to ask, but I think it'll answers a lot of people's questions. So you'll have to answer less e-mails and posts about delivery times. :)

    All the best!
    3 people like this.
  16. SPyKER

    SPyKER Active Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Folks, in a perfect world, this would be a perfect project. However, this was a Kickstarter project for a reason: it needed crowdsourced funding rather than traditional funding as they were not a business at the time.

    I have one Kickstarter backed project which is now a year over on delivery. I have seen others deliver ahead of schedule. That's the nature of the beast. What this development team needs to understand most is that frequent and effective communication will keep the backers at bay, except for the few who think Kickstarter is Amazon, which will never change.

    As well, mass product delivery like the cases, may incur damage in transit and not all cases may be able for deliver to the backers. As a few have noted, standard shipping can also incur damage without really good (read: expensive) packaging insets like HP, Dell, Epson, Lexmark, Cannon, Sony, and others have specifically developed for each product. I am sure the team is doing their best, and learning from experience about what is and isn't working well.

    As backers, we need to be patient as long as we keep receiving current updates, and report all issues as we find them.

    I counted no less than 30 posts across three sites listing the numbers of printers (complete and kits[now to be shipped built]) per month (tier). Perhaps a sticky post with this information and a running update to the number shipped per tier would be helpful.

    I'm curious to see where I fall, as originally I was a May Kit backer, but an April Kit opened and I moved into that space, so I am hoping I am in that group. As I alluded to, R3P had informed Kit backers that they will ship completed printers unless otherwise desired to help alleviate restructuring their assembly line for kits.
    2 people like this.
  17. Ben Lindstrom

    Ben Lindstrom Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Yes which is "slightly better access" than most of us. =) Just like "I'll get back to you soon" where "soon" tends to be 5 - 48 hours. =) Everything is relative.

    In the same way that Darth Vader killed Luke's father. *smile*
  18. Harry

    Harry Team ROBO 3D
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Sorry about that. haha. I got back to this post in 37 Minutes this time! ;)
    haha Sorry again about that Ben
  19. Tomtribute

    Tomtribute New Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Hey Harry, Thanks for filling up the update gaps somewhat. If you could, it would be nice to know if the Robo team have taken steps to ensure better shipping. Feed backs from the early recipients from the KS comments weren't all that comforting to read.
  20. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Tomtribute, I received mine last week. I believe it was shipped the week before. I felt like it was packaged well enough for a trip across the US.

    Robo was set in a cradle of insulation and shrink wrapped pretty tightly so nothing could move around too much. Foam insulation on the top and sides with a bunch of bubble wrap to fill in the empty sides.

    There was a pretty big gouge where USPS must have been using it for soccer or something. About 6" long and deep enough to tear through the tape. The machine was undamaged.

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