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Unresolved Replaced RAMPS can't move Z fast

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Daniel Messano, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. Daniel Messano

    Daniel Messano New Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    My heated bed melted my stock RAMPS power connector. Bought a 1.4 and a 1.6 and the exact same problem happens with both. I can move the X, and Y in steps of 0.1, 1, 10, 100 but not the Z.

    When I try to move the Z 0.1 and 1 it is normal, 10 or 100 the motors bind.

    I made a video showing the problem, and have attached two pics of the current setup. I did make sure all the pins had the jumpers installed.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be nice.

    Thank you

  2. Rod Smith

    Rod Smith Member

    Nov 7, 2017
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    First, I can't view your video. I just get a message that reads "if the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in." You may need to check your sharing settings. (I've never shared videos on YouTube, so I can't give more advice on this.)

    Have you made any changes to your firmware? I believe that this sort of thing can happen if acceleration, jerk, or maximum speed settings are too high, but I'm not sure of precisely what symptoms you'd see.

    If you've made no changes to the firmware, then that suggests a hardware problem. I'd start by re-seating the Z-axis cables on both ends (RAMPS board and stepper motors.) You could also try swapping the Z-axis stepper driver chips with other axes; if the problem is a damaged chip, then the problem should shift to another axis (or axes) when you make this swap. Note that the Robo R1+ has two Z-axis stepper motors, each with its own associated stepper driver chip, so if only one chip is damaged, I'd expect one side of the X-axis gantry to raise or lower normally (up to a point), whereas the other would fail. I'd be surprised if both chips failed in exactly the same way.

    Another thought: Are you using your original stepper driver chips? If so, did you move them over to the same locations -- that is, X to X, Y to Y, etc.? If the answer to either of these questions is "no," then you may need to re-tune the stepper drivers' currents. See this video, among others, to help you do this. Note that I'm not an expert on this, since I prefer using drivers that can be tuned through software, on boards that support this functionality.
    Daniel Messano likes this.
  3. Daniel Messano

    Daniel Messano New Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    I fixed the video link.

    Dang, I think when my heated bed stopped working and before I saw the melted pin I might have messed with the firmware. Is there a stock version somewhere I can grab?

    Also I can't for sure say they didn't get mixed up so i will watch that video and tune them.
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  4. Rod Smith

    Rod Smith Member

    Nov 7, 2017
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    Now that I can see your video, it looks like both your Z-axis motors are doing the same thing, which seems like an improbable coincidence for things like stepper motors being blown or wiring coming loose. Thus, I'd focus on the firmware at this point.

    For stock Robo3D Marlin firmware, try:


    The stock firmware should be fine if you want to just grab a file and upload it to the printer. There are threads that cover other versions, mostly based on the generic Marlin branches, such as:




    These may be preferable if you want to customize the firmware in some way, or just use the "latest and greatest." Personally, I've used both stock Robo3D Marlin and generic Marlin 1.1.x, but I've never tried Marlin 2.0.x. If I were still using Marlin, though, I'd be tempted to upgrade to 2.0.x, since (if I understand correctly) it includes a feature to level the X-axis gantry so that it's parallel to the bed. (I don't recall what g-code does this, much less how to set it up.) I've upgraded to a 32-bit control board and am using a similar feature in RepRapFirmware, and it fixes one of the top five frustrations I've had with my Robo3D R1+ -- that the X-axis gantry goes out of alignment with the bed, which eventually leads to a failure to mesh-level the bed with G29, and a need to literally dirty my hands to spin one lead screw to bring that gantry into rough parallel with the bed.
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  5. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Excellent idea, you would see binding. While that is not the first thing that pops to mind (tuning them would be the first thing since too low of a drive current would potentially act much the same) too much acceleration or jerk will be an issue for quality if nothing else.
  6. Daniel Messano

    Daniel Messano New Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Thanks everyone flashed the stock firmware and it works

    now i need to order a new fan and I can start printing again
    Rod Smith and mark tomlinson like this.

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