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Robo 3D Custom PronterFace UI (CURA)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Marquis Johnson, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Marquis Johnson

    Marquis Johnson Active Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Got bored in the middle of the night and made a new UI for my Cura's PronterFace
    (I move the printer with G1 commands, so the interface was just a nuisance)
    Any recommendations to add or change would be appreciated? Screenshot 2015-03-11 02.13.36.png
    Paul Yeh likes this.
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    That's a cool UI. Know if it's possible to add second extruder controls to it?
  3. Marquis Johnson

    Marquis Johnson Active Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Oh, that would be awesome!
    Yea, all you have to do is change the map color code commands.

    Pretty much you can change G-Code on buttons and colors in the script (or even add knew ones) that are related to the buttons on the UI.

    Ex, the 'Home All Axis' button is just
    addButton(0, 220, 255, 'Home All Axis', sendGCode, "G28")
    This literally just homes all Axis

    But the 'Change Filament' button is
    addButton(0, 200, 255, 'Change Filament', sendGCode, "M104 S220; G28; G1 Z40; M84")
    This sets the heat of the extruder -> Homes Axis -> Raises Z Axis 40mm -> and turns all motors off

    each command line is separated by the semicolon.

    So, depending on how your extruder is set up you can make buttons, or color commands that say
    addColorCommand(255, 0, 0, sendGCode, "T0; G91; G1 E10 F120; G90")
    addColorCommand(0, 0, 255, sendGCode, "T1; G91; G1 E10 F120; G90")
    If you clicked the RED (255,0,0) box, extruder 0 would extruder 10mm of filament
    If you clicked the BLUE(0,0,255) box, extruder 1 would extruder 10mm of filament
    (of course temperature would have to be set, to at least min extruding temp)

    Colors are selected through (R,G,B) color code and G-Code is sent depending on what you type in
    AJinFLA and Mike Kelly like this.
  4. AJinFLA

    AJinFLA New Member

    Feb 17, 2015
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    way way over my head for now, but give me yet another field to try to get semi proficient at TY, Hope I can message you in the future for some help? AJ

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