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Collections of old and outdates forums
News & Announcements
NewNews, Announcements, and Updates on the Robo3D Printer
Latest: Spool Holder by QICHANG KANG, Aug 28, 2014- 30
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- 732
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Official Documentation
NewOfficial Documentation, and Tutorials on the Robo3D Printer
Latest: Marlin Firmware (10/9/13) by Gonzalo, Mar 1, 2015- 7
- Discussions
- 185
- Messages
Technical Support
NewHave an issue? Want it answered by a RoBo Team member? Then post that question here.
Latest: Z-axis broken by Mike Kelly, Jun 17, 2014- 94
- Discussions
- 256
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Requests and Suggestions
NewHave a request for the Robo Team? Have a suggestion?
Latest: The new heated bed design by Mike Kelly, Jun 7, 2015- 32
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- 385
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