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How about listening to problems customers have with their printers?

Discussion in 'Requests and Suggestions' started by Dime333, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Dime333

    Dime333 New Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I swear and I am really not trying to be rude but you guys have zero support and zero customer service, does anyone that comes on these forums even work for ROBO? I have sent messages to ROBO team members, posted threads and I get nothing. How do you guys seriously plan on having a business without paying attention to your customers? It is also very hard for me to recommend this product to anyone without having the proper support in place, this isnt something you guys can just open a USER forum and walk away from everything without actively participating yourselves, I am really dissapointed with the way you handle your customers and you should be too.
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    It's a little offensive for those of us trying to help, and a little selfish on your part, you feel like the only people who can help you are staff members. I've already informed Braydon of the need to stay more involved in the forums and he's stopped by a few times to stay true to his promise to.

    Contact robo3d customer support via email. They have Jerry on staff to help with customer support issues.
  3. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I'm not trying to start a fire here, quite the opposite actually. My experience so far with their customer service has been excellent. On 2 occasions I have contacted them (Both ending up through Jerry) and I have had timely help and replacement parts each time. It has actually been great! Above and beyond in my opinion. Especially knowing how busy they must be there.
    One thing I can add to help though is I never tried getting a hold of them through the forum, I know they don't come on here much and message boxes are probably loaded with 500 'Why wont my print stick' questions. Each time I went straight through the customer support on the website, well at least the first time. I just saved the email and the second issue replied to it again. But both times they have been great.
    Just have to give them a day or two to get back, especially if it's the weekend like today.

    Also, yeah Mike you guys that are keeping this forum together is a blessing. They need to start paying you guys for all the time you're putting in for sure. At least up you guys to moderators with some perks. This forum would be hopeless without the handful of you guys helping out.
  4. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Wait wait wait.. I just saw this... Dime you were on the shoutbox yesterday and Brayden DIRECTLY to you told you to email him at robo3dprinter@gmail.com,
    (8:07 PM - Braydon RoBo 3D: Dime message me at robo3dprinter@gmail.com and I will send you one)
    Now you post this after the fact saying you are being ignored and customer service stinks??
    The founder just personally told you to contact him last night, how direct do you need? Please tell me what I'm missing...
  5. Dime333

    Dime333 New Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    First off Mike I didnt say anything about the help you guys are offering Tesseract has helped me more than anyone else including Robo members. If Braydon responded to me I missed it when i got back on the shoutbox there was nothing there, mind you it was a little bit later.

    The frustrastion I am having with there support is you have to either catch them on here or send loads of emails, where is a phone number at? I realize they arent a big company yet, but a phone number would be a nice direct way of reaching them, I find it weird I can call customer support over a ninja turtle action figure if i wanted to but for my printer there is no number to call.

    If the majority of people on here dont have as many problems as I do then you guys are lucky, me and technology apparently always have issues, went through six xbox 360's yadda yadda yadda. I get really frustrated at times and this printer for me has not worked properly since I have recieved it in December. I apologize for being rude but my experince is not yours and yours is not mine, I will try to email the link you provided.
  6. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Wow 6 360's!! Yikes. Sounds like me working on cars. I always snap or strip something lol.
    Yeah that email should really get you right in. again its the weekend so may take a couple days but I see Brayden is online again and near the computer so you may get lucky.
  7. Dime333

    Dime333 New Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Yeah six of them and my xbox one was messed up on the very day I got it so go figure lol. I just want to be printing happily like everyone else on here, again i apologize for my attitude but you can only take so much before you snap and I guess I did lol. Atleast I didnt smash it up like that kid did lol...yet, just kidding I am sure they will help out, thanks for your help again man.
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  8. Soupaboy

    Soupaboy Active Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    I would not like to annoy you but you are compleatly wrong. I don't think ANYONE on the forum is printing happily. When I got my printer it was way to Brocken to use so I spent a week just trying to fix it and waiting for spares. Then the thermistor broke, the new one broke in the mail, the extruder clogged, the new extruder broke, the hobbed bolt has a flat spot on it where I needed to find a replacement, a power cut broke something on the ramps board, my setting were wrong and much much more.

    Robo helped me excellently with spares BUT the forum is what helped the most, Mike Kelly and Tesseract were my two main sources of help and so many more people like:

    Melody Bliss: made a fantastic FAQ
    Autopsy Turvy: showed me that with good settings and no mods to the printer you can too achieve 0.08 resolution.

    And lets not forget the great small information you get when you read shoutbox or post for help.

    ALL of this adds up, my road is bumps as hell and I still am having issues but that's to the forum I can do it, don't depend on the people who sell it, depend on the forum and ask us.

    HOLY **** this is a long post...
    2 people like this.
  9. Soupaboy

    Soupaboy Active Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    I just wanted to show that everyone has issues so don't think it's just your printer :)
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  10. tonycstech

    tonycstech Active Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I have posted on support 2 topics many many weeks ago, still no reply and no one will.
    I guess support forum is exactly for that but its OK.

    BY the way. This dude's avatar says allot about him. No wonder he has issues with the printer or his Xbox :)
  11. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    What's wrong with his avatar? Paying respect to a dead musician suddenly makes him profiled as what exactly?
    I happen to be a heavily tattoo'd whiskey slamming, heavy metal, mosh pit loving psycho myself. Not to mention a strip club bouncer head of security for 7 years at 2 sister clubs.
    I also happen to be one of the most patient, polite and respectful people you will meet. Unless someone deserves otherwise of course lol. I also pride myself with having a good head on my shoulders and am on my second year into my bachelors of science with a major in psychology.
    If you read some of my previous posts you will see I try to keep people on the positive.
    If his avatar were of Tupac or some other rapper would you assume he stole his printer or was some lowlife without a job?

    Please, Enlighten me?
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  12. tonycstech

    tonycstech Active Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    heavily tattoo'd whiskey slamming, heavy metal, mosh pit loving psycho
    Even doctor could not come up with a better diagnosis :)
    I am not talking to you Mr. most patient, polite and respectful people i will meet.

    Europe regions have pedophilia legalized and guess what, they take pride in that too :) And many of them are doctors etc.
    Just saying.

    I dont hate on anybody, tupac or the dead drug addict whos name shall remain unknown to me, i hate what they do.
    PS. Christian Extremist
  13. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Then this is as simple as this. No-one here asked for your opinion or judgement. But thanks for feeling the need to share.
    God bless.
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  14. Dime333

    Dime333 New Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Yeah i dont really know what the hell that guy is talking about, but ignorant people are usually very hard to interperet ;) As far as the Dimebag pic and your reference to intelligence he has been more successful than anyone else most likely on this entire forum and definitely more than you so think about that for a second. Also you should know what the hell you are talking about Dimebag was an alchoholic, not a drug addict, that's Phil Enselmo, so do a little research first.

    As far as my personal intelligence or my ability to operate the printer based on the pic is rediculous. I happen to be a CNC machinist with both vertical mills and Mayzac and Mori Seiki Lathes so unless you can operate those pieces of equiptment politely STFU!
    I understand other people have problems with their printers as well Melody and you have helped me and many other people too.

    Soupaboy I have seen your threads and I understand the problems you have had and you have went way further in your responses than me lol, but you can't possibly be serious in your response about getting help from the people who made the machine or going to them for support. If you have a problem with anything else you buy,especially something expensive at that, you don't expect the company who made it to help you?

    Luckily Axislabs email helped and I have talked with Braydon and the issue will hopefully be solved soon, also Harry has responded to me as well. I have apologized already for my attitude and maybe I was just not sending the messages in the right spots.
  15. tonycstech

    tonycstech Active Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    How do you get to bring God, are you Christian ? Impossible.
  16. Harry

    Harry Team ROBO 3D
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Hey All.
    I first and foremost would like to say sorry. I've said this in the past, and have said I'll be more active time over time. But things have kept coming up. Now, I'm going to keep my word and make sure I'm on here a few times a day. Guaranteed.

    For those of you who don't know me. I'm Harry. I've setup and been the administrator of the RoBo3D Forums for the guys at RoBo3D. I do not work for RoBo3D, but like to say I work with them. I do not work at HQ with them. I am up in Los Angeles, they're down in San Diego. I'm friends with all the guys at RoBo3D though, and have easy access to talking with them. If you have an issue, or need help please feel free to message me. The forums have grown now, way larger than when I could go thru and read every new post every night. If you have an issue, your best bet is either:
    Message me
    Email robo3dhelp@gmail.com
    or use the contact form on the robo3d.com website

    Messaging me also emails me, and I usually can get back to you very fast.

    I would also like to take the blame for making it seem like RoBo3D is not interacting with their users. The guys at RoBo are busy, checking printers before they leave, shipping printers, working on fixes to current issues, and working on the future of the company. When we started up the forums, I told the guys I would be here and help out and do it all. I failed at that, and I'm going to live up to what I said I would do and make sure I do that now. The forums are a community place, where members of the community, just like me, help each other. The RoBo3D guys will come on time to time, but if you need help, email them or message me and I can get you help too!

    I hope this clears things up. Once again, I'm extremely sorry about not being an active administrator to the forums like I should be and do take a large part of the blame for what seems like the guys over at RoBo3D not being active and communicating with their community on their forums.

    Kind Regards,
    Harry V
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  17. pclabtech

    pclabtech Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I live here in Robo3D land (San Diego) when I do make visits, they are extremely busy. Everyone is trying to get the printers ready to fulfill their Kickstarter quotas and possible new orders in waiting.

    I agree, they really need a person that can handle trouble tickets for issues with the printer. The forums are great and shoutbox works too when you need an answer instead of waiting for the guys at Robo3D to respond, but that is only a stopgap for a real co-worker at Robo3D to find out exactly what is wrong and try to either send repair parts or hand hold the customer through mechanical configurations of the printer to get it working as advertised.

    I was one of the first 25 to get the early bird special. I had the old, non-borocilicate glass heat bed with no Z axis adjuster, no filament holder, and issues with the heat bed wires and thermistor wires on the head breaking. I fixed up my own Z-axis adjuster, they helped upgrade my bed to a boro-glass on my heat bed.

    Their upgraded models that went out to the other kickstarter peoples, had a 1 piece ABS bed with glass, Z axis adjuster and now, instead of desk drawer rails, they are implementing a rod gliding system with magnetic release heat bed top. I am jealous!

    Rest assured, they are not sitting on their duffs, drinking diet Mt. Dew, and throwing darts at a board, they are actually designing the next printer they would like to sell. Just like the other companies with their version "2" and "3" Robo3D has learned, fixed, adapted, advanced in their printer making skills. A diamond in the rough.

    I think with a few changes in their PR and help ticket bumps, they can catch up to where they are filling orders as they arrive instead of playing catch up.
  18. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    EDIT: this was being written before Harry's post, looks out of place a bit, but is still serious enough to leave un edited.

    Sigh.. If I wasn't a few delicious glasses into some fine bourbon I may have just let this go... But I am, and however polite I have tried to be, screw it.
    First off Tony this is not your religious podium for you to stand on and judge, If this was a well moderated forum you would have been cut down far prior as this not your first time belittling members.
    It is not however and you run with it as you please, and we seem to be left to police ourselves, meaning we have to put up with your condescending remarks and righteous judgment.
    Okay, I'll bite.
    Your remarks and views spew of HATE. You look down and practically spit venomous words at anyone who you deem lesser than you.
    You of course word it "I dont hate on anybody... I hate what they do." quoted from you. Followed by "P.S. Christian Extremist"

    There are two major points there, First being the hate in your heart.

    You have been programed to make sure you "don't hate a person" The bible has shown you that is wrong.
    But simply saying it doesn't give you some free pass to then disgrace them with all sense of superiority.
    Your words and actions show what true hate is. It is not a phrase.
    You spoke of the death of another human being with rejoice in your heart because he was "the dead drug addict who's name shall remain unknown to me" as you put it.
    That my brother is not what my Christianity has taught me. I mourn for the family, I am saddened by the road that led a soul down that road and I weep for those like you that praise his death for your road is far darker my friend.

    Second you choose to present yourself, as you put it, A "Christian Extremist" ?

    Please explain? Was Christianity and the word of god, NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? I know many Christians, I am one. But please explain the "extremist". Did you feel the need that love and compassion did not do God justice? You must take it to another level and raise yourself up on an appointed throne at an "Extremist" level to judge those lesser than you?
    I challenge you to show me where the bible teaches hate and judgement is the way to heaven. Last I knew if you preach hate at the service, those words aren't anointed . That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned.

    You sir, from what I have witnessed need to justify yourself and YOURSELF only with god. You have not been appointed apostle on earth to bring us in as the sheep we are. It is not your duty and for you to believe it be.. May God have mercy on your soul.
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  19. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    To get back on topic, As I have said Robo is busy and doing a great job I agree completely with Pclabtech and thank Harry for the work he has done and future involvement. I continue to praise the efforts of what has been a great new tech company.
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  20. Dime333

    Dime333 New Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I understand they are very busy getting orders out and that is understandable and had it not been for the members on here that have helped with other issues I have had, I really would not be messing with it anymore. Like I said I let my frustration get to me and I now know who and how to contact if an issue arises again.

    The forums are great as long as its not something mechanical that needs replaced, which then has to be handled directly from Robo. Harry and Braydon have been working with me like I said and I think possibly the printers may have done better than they thought they would at a selling point,couple that with other manufacturing delays and what not ( believe me I know I work in that environment) leading to other areas lacking as in support. It does help to have the right way of getting the message to them though.

    AxisLab I think possibly the troll is the guy that originally ripped on me in the first place about the avatar, who obviously is only there to cause more trouble, at the same time I can tell you are a strong believer in what you believe and that was very well put. Christians usually don't label themselves at all especially calling themselves extremist lol but whatever, I have come across many "christians" that have the very same I am more righteous than you blah blah, and if they followed the word of their religion that is not how you act. Thanks again to Harry and Braydon for everything they are doing.
    4 people like this.

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