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E3D v6 is out - lots of improvements

Discussion in 'Mods and Upgrades' started by Denys Dmytriyenko, May 23, 2014.

  1. Amir

    Amir New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    I added a oil tank on too, and it didnt work. I should apart all extruder again and clean it up. I am thinking to go back to the original extruder. I will try one more time and clean everything up, but not sure what the problem is. The melted filament comes up and fills all tube up to the top. I didnt mess up with fan. Can it be for that? It seems everything alse is set.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    If the melted filament is backing up into the cold part of the hotend (across the heat break) then either the nozzles are seriously obstructed or the fan is not working right and you are getting a major case of heat creep. The melt zone does not include the entire hotend.
  3. Amir

    Amir New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Is there any specific setup for the fan that i am not aware of? I guess that is the major problem, thats why, it works fine at the beginning. The cooling part is still cool and when it gets hot, jams.
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Just make sure that :
    a) the fan is running all the time. Not slower or faster, but running 100% all the time the hotend is hot.
    b) the rig that mounts the fan to the hotend is not flexed or broken.

    (the hotend fan, NOT the parts fan. The one attached to the hotend. Not the one that blows on the part being printed)

    It is possible that the fan is not running or not running well, that would certainly cause you grief. Yes, as the hotend works (heats and melts the filament) the heat from the hot part at the nozzle would creep up the hotend body and give you major problems if the fan was not working correctly.
  5. Amir

    Amir New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    I upgrade my 3d printer extruder to E3D v6 about 7 months ago and everything was fine till i formatted my computer and basically update Mattercontrol and uploaded new Marlin_6_10 configuration.h. since then I have issue with the quality. see the attached image. i also uploaded oldest version of Marlin, (Marlin_2_4_14) and I had the same issue. beside my CuraEngine was the only slice engine generates G Code. other slice engine wasn't function at all. in the new version (Marlin_6_10) , all slice engines are working but the quality is not acceptable. could you please help me on this and tell me what i am doing wrong. .

    Attached Files:

  6. Aienan

    Aienan New Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    A few questions to ask/things to check:
    1. Has the filament been kept dry?
    2. Your temp looks too hot if that is PLA
    3. How fast are you moving?
    4. Are your belts tight? It looks like you are getting skipping
    5. What model are you printing? May I suggest a calibration piece until this is straightened out
    2 people like this.
  7. Amir

    Amir New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    I boight the filament about two mounths ago. And the belt is pretty tight. My temprature is 220 as suggested for e3d v6. I ised to have the same tempreture before and it was fine. The moving spead is 60. I printed the cube before this. It printed better than this. It has a bit problem on first layars. But the it was ok. Generally i have this problem with complex geometries. If the belt was not tight enough, i probably have ossue in only Y dirrection. But it is in both X and Y dirrections. If you look at the image, one side of the model looks fine.
  8. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Well assuming you are correct and the cause of this was
    "i formatted my computer and basically update Mattercontrol and uploaded new Marlin_6_10 configuration.h"

    The you know that this is a software problem.

    You should:
    1) sanity check all settings in MatterControl to be the same as before. Everything
    2) sanity check the firmware settings and make sure they match your printer (metric rods/standard for example)
  9. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    frankly, looking at the results, I would think there are mechanical issues here... BUT I have no idea what that model is supposed to look like.
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  10. Amir

    Amir New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Ill print a cube 1"x1" tonight anf post it on here. The geometry i printed and you see the image is pretty conplex.
    How can i make sure if i have right setting? Is there any article for the setting of new MatterControl? I was looking for it, but couldn't find anything
  11. Aienan

    Aienan New Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Mark's comment is to setup MatterControl exactly as you had it before your reformat. I am not familiar with the software, but I know that Cura can load all the settings based on a GCode file, so if you have a slice file from before format, you may be able to take the information from there.

    At 220 C I assume you are printing ABS. Do you have some PLA to work some issues out with before we go back to ABS? If you are already printing PLA, you are almost certainly printing too hot, try a temperature closer to 205 to start and work up and down from there. For reference, my v5 head prints opaque PLA at 206 first layer/201 rest.

    What issue are you having on the first layer? Have you moved the printer? If so, you probably need to readjust the Z-Stop setting. Remember that you want a slightly squished layer for adhesion.

    If you have always had issues with MatterControl there are two things to try:
    1. You say you have tried different slicers: Slic3r, Skeinforge, Cura etc. I use Slic3r for simple things and where I have various settings for thickness, speed etc. I use Cura for really complex files and things with flowing and curvy angles. Depending how you define that they others didn't work, is it possible that a mistake was made with the settings for the printer?
    2. Try Repetier (http://www.repetier.com/) as your control software rather than MatterControl
    2 people like this.
  12. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    I get that you are thinking it is software related because of the changes you made, but that sure looks like mechanical trouble to me. It is shifting all over the place along one axis. Is it possible your bed cable is catching on something?
    I guess it could be slicer related if you somehow got some settings in there that shot your speed, acceleration, and jerk up to really high levels.
    Want to post the code?
    @Aienan is providing some really good input, but that doesn't look like a too hot issue to me. If anything, too cold, but probably not a temperature issue at all.

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