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Does Anyone know which order number the Robo Team is on?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by agump, Oct 27, 2013.

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  1. Montravont

    Montravont Active Member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    If your receipt was anything like mine it stated "it is estimated to be delivered in 4-5 weeks"

    That one word makes your dream of a class action lawsuit null and void. Estimations are not legally binding to a specific time frame.

    Mine was "overdue" by about 4-5 weeks as well. Was I anxious? Yes. Did I ever in my wildest dreams think of taking them to court for it? No, because I'm an adult with patience and understanding that I was getting an upgraded product.

    An upgrade, mind you, that if I were to do it myself would require taking the printer almost completely apart to do.

    I also have commercial hopes for my printer, but there is a dire need to be realistic. Even if they had gotten your printers to you at exactly 4 weeks. There is no way you could have provided service to your customers that same day, same week or the following week. You need to get used to the printer. They calibrate them before they ship them, but parts move during shipment and there is a level of re-calibration you have to do once you get it. Past that, there are variable specific to the environment where you operate the printer that can only be accounted for after you get the printer.

    The guys at Robo provided an estimate on when printers would ship... Sounds like you made actual hard promises to your customers based on an estimate without considering the other operational needs of 3d printing in general.
  2. Invertmast

    Invertmast Active Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Actually i tols my customers i was assured i would have the printer in 3-5 weeks, which is how i took "it will be there" when i asked if the delivery time line was accurate. I then told my customers it would be another 2-3 weeks before their particular items would be available at the earliest.

    Losing a few low cost sales isnt that big of a deal, it happens all the time because people dont want to wait or pay for custom stuff.

    The problem i have is he lack of communication (i sent an email to Robo on monday/tuesday at the 4 week mark like Jerry asked) and being specifically told by that i should have one within 5 weeks.

    Am i going to cancel my order, probably not, but i would be allot less frustrated if there was some communication.

    For instance, i just recieved a custom item from another manufacturer. I was told 2-3 weeks for delivery. It actually turned into 8 1/2 weeks. Was i frustrated it took so long, yes, did i air my frustrations against that manufacturer. Nope. You know why, 1. I wasnt Charged at all for the item until it shipped and 2. Every time i sent an email or called inquiring about the status i received an answer.
    The complete opposite of what Robo has done. They have had the time to post 20+ Status' in the month of may alone on their facebook page (some multiples in one day) but have only sent one email containing an update about receiving 500 printers in the past 5 weeks. To me that is a little skewed in the wrong direction for customer relations.

    Silence is the best way of introducing frustration and doubt. Maybe someone will see this thread and just come in and give another update. We are all really excited to get the printer, it would just be nice to have some sort of idea on what to expect.
  3. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    This is not your company. This is not some other company. This is RoBo3D's company. Stop comparing it to anything else.

    They are producing a market leader in size vs cost, at a very reasonable price tag. Yes $800 is a lot of money, not chump change for sure. Though you are saving almost $1500 over a replicator and that still has a short lead time, and a smaller build volume.

    They are busting their asses trying to ensure a sustainable future. Do you know of a single other company that tells what orders are going out and when? I sure as hell don't. You think it's quick work to estimate the number of printers they can ship in a week? Even if they had a good idea how long calibration can take per printer, it varies wildly depending on it's state after it's trip from china. You're talking an hour or 2 of work just to make an estimate which might be wrong. As you've all proven, a bad estimate is worse than no estimate.

    It's frustrating waiting for your new printer, I know. Been there. But here's a secret. Those members that show interest in being genuine to team robo get a good word put in for them. Those that treat them with disrespect keep their place in the queue.

    Just keep your wits about you, and your printer will be there before you know it.
  4. Invertmast

    Invertmast Active Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Im not trying to belittle their ass busting at all, i know what its like to bust ass in stuff for a customer. Im just asking for a little More Customer interaction than Facebook and twitter interaction! Nearly $1,000 was dropped on my order, and when it comes to cash like that, i get very uneasy when the end of the stated delivery time is coming up. But when i get my stuff and am truely happy with it, i am very brand loyal and will support that brand as much possible.
  5. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Facebook and twitter is just advertising. Don't bother contacting them through there. Yes even a company as small as RoBo 3D must spend time advertising to bring in new customers. Yes it sucks they can't spend more time responding to each individual order status request.

    That's the nature of the beast when you have under 10 people on your payroll. Until they're in the 100's range they just don't have the man power to accommodate all the requests put forth to them. I get you have a lot of money vested in this, but please put it into perspective for what you're getting and how fresh this technology is. They're barely a year old and have been struggling to ramp up production to meet the demand.

    Every single order placed has been fulfilled. Your order will come. Just be patient with them and respectful. If you show respect to them and the rest of the community it won't go unnoticed.
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  6. juggernaut

    juggernaut New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    and if you read correctly i said a "class action law suit"(means more than one person filing a claim)is possible.

    you bring your car to my shop i estimate 2 days for repair.......i call you in a month to tell you it is complete, I DON'T ANSWER YOUR CALLS,OR E-MAILS, I DON'T CALL YOU AND UPDATE YOU WHATS GOING ON......you gonna be happy? hell no, are you gonna return to my shop? hell no!!you gonna wanna sue me for lost wages and time spent? HELL YES!!
    same difference here, you tell me 4-6 weeks estimated delivery time and 14 weeks after i placed my order i get it............am i gonna be happy, hell no!!, am i gonna return for further purchases........HELL NO!!!
  7. John H

    John H Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    So Sad to read people are getting upset and are throwing the notion of class action suite. First off when you ordered your Robo , you were aware the company started with kickstarter and is new and said an estimated wait time of 4-5 weeks for the printers
    Yeah I am also waiting since april 3rd, I am aware they are working on getting the printers out as fast as possible. I received an email explaining the delay and that they received more parts in. So Im at ease
    You have to understand they are a new company and are trying there best. I think you should ask for a return , because you know your the type of person that will have major issues and just continue to bash them and threaten them with law suites, ( Childish /Sad and BTW you don't have a leg to stand on in court )
    At no time did you enter into a binding contract , you gave money for goods that you didn't receive , correct.. but there was only and estimate in the time frame that you were giving , nothing binding ! Are you able to receive a refund ( YES ) The courts would laugh at you ,and say you were giving an estimate time and refund is available at any time. so go get one.. and buy a makerbot for triple the money.
    I will patiently wait for my robo 3d and will be happy when I get it.
    Lets not shit on these guys there trying there best, ( and by no means am I picking on you , I do feel your pain you just want your 3d printer you paid for understandable , but how your going about is just wrong) . Good luck!
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  8. warlocke

    warlocke Active Member

    May 10, 2013
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    I agree with Mike. Those of us from Kickstarter waited close to a year for their printer.

    If you can't wait the time it is taking for them to get your printer shipped, you don't need to waste more time and effort calling for legal actions all over the forums and Facebook.

    You have a completely quick and simple option, just cancel your order. It really is just that easy.

    Staples is selling 3D printers, you could probably walk into a nearby store and pick one up today.
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  9. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    3 people like this.
  10. Invertmast

    Invertmast Active Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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  11. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Nope, we're not playing that game anymore.
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  12. juggernaut

    juggernaut New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Running a service industry business is in no way related to running a consumer product business. Please stop comparing against your garage. <----an insult to my knowledge of business, all business's have one thing in common, that can make or break them.

    no e-mails , no response from e-mails. my intelligence has already been insulted.
  13. tfrost1980

    tfrost1980 New Member

    May 23, 2014
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    I just placed my order. Does anyone know if my credit card will be charged before shipping or do they wait? I'm getting kinda worried reading some of these posts...people saying it took 10-12 weeks for theirs to arrive.
  14. CAMBO3D

    CAMBO3D New Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Hey juggernaut, have you contacted Jerry on the forums.. he works at robo and he has always answered my emails and questions.. you could try that route also...
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  15. Invertmast

    Invertmast Active Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    They charged mine in full as soon as i submittes the order
  16. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Hey tfrost. I'm going to tell Jerry to revise their billing method to not charge until they generate the shipping label. Hopefully this helps ease some concern.

    I got news as well, after this shipment of 500 printers, they'll be able to ship directly after receiving them. This means they'll be able to ship up to 100 printers a day if needed.

    Until then there's around 2-3 hours of QA and updates being put into every printer. They have 500 of these printers that need upgrades. That's around 1500 man hours for these. Though this time spent means a higher quality printer on your door step.
  17. CAMBO3D

    CAMBO3D New Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    hmm.. maybe an update for customers who are waiting.... would keep them satisfied Mike. Your a forum moderator not a robo customer service expert.. You can't honestly try to run crowd control some battles they need to be fought through them.. they need to be on this forum more often......you dont work at robo Mike.. that's all i'm saying.. heck i can email jerry myself and tell him the same thing... what's the difference...
  18. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    I volunteer time for team robo to ensure the questions are answered that need answering. At the same time I'm funneling information from team robo so they don't get hundreds of inane questions a day. Having me ask the question once will be better than 10 people asking the same question.

    They appreciate what I do for them and I appreciate the effort they go through to make their customers happy. They can't please everyone, and anyone who runs a business will know this. They're doing the best they can and I want to see them succeed.
  19. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I think the points are all valid here.

    Mike, I appreciate your passion for wanting to see Robo succeed and agree with it, but they really do need to be providing these updates directly. I think a weekly or biweekly status update would really go a long way.

    Juggernaut, I believe that most of the team has been offsite on some training for the week, but you should be able to get a direct response within a week. In this case, waiting a few extra weeks for the upgrades is going to really be worth the frustration. They're not trying to steal your money or deliberately mislead you. Believe it or not, they really are getting better. Their twitter and facebook feeds now contain good information as opposed to the reposting of popular news stories they used to contain. As a startup with limited resources, they're choosing where to deploy them.

    I say keep calling them on this stuff, but try to be considerate of their situation. Nobody is helping them to succeed by ignoring their problems.
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  20. juggernaut

    juggernaut New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    i am not worried for me
    i am worried for them,
    i was contacted last week off facebook to join a class action suit, they already have 15 signed on and need 15 more to be able to file, i declined because it was nonsense, it was is a cease and desist order, refund of shipping price. it wasn't gonna change anything really.
    i want to see communication, i have received nothing since my purchase, not even a" hey were working towards you".

    i had to find out by doing my own digging why my printer is delayed.and going through forum to figure it out,
    you guys have no idea how bad this will be if they get all their signatures.
    basically anyone who didn't sign will be in the same position they were before, waiting and even possibly extending that wait.
    if you think i am mad, the people who signed that thing are even more than I am.
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