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reprapdiscount LCD display

Discussion in 'Mods and Upgrades' started by Printed Solid, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Brian Clough

    Brian Clough New Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    I've had the XXL for a week or so now (thanks Printed Solid), but I've been seeing a lot of "maxtemp" errors that shut down my printer mid print. From what I've read it seems to be an overheating issue of the board. Has anyone had any success with adding an additional fan (like Jerry) ? If so, what did you use, etc. ?
  2. SteveC

    SteveC Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Where did you read that the "maxtemp" error can be from board overheating? I can't think of a mechanism that would cause this error from RAMPS/Arduino board overheating. I think that is only triggered by the extruder thermistor measurement. Could your thermistor connection be shorting out intermittently? This would cause a low resistance which would be interpreted as a high temperature.
  3. Brian Clough

    Brian Clough New Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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    That was more of a guess haha. If it does sound like a thermistor issue I'll check the wires. Otherwise I might as well upgrade my extruder. Still running the stock parts
  4. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Hi guys, want me to move these last couple comments over to a separate troubleshooting thread? Sounds like they're not LCD related.

    edit: turns out I can't move individual messages, only an entire thread. sorry.
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  5. Lachlan

    Lachlan New Member

    May 15, 2014
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    Hi scotta,
    I am working through this problem myself at the moment and I see you have said in step 3. "As posted by matt above" but I cant find where matt posted this. Also with my zero knowledge of coding or arduino or anything I am merely following instructions at the moment, mind you doing poorly. Any help would be great.

  6. scotta

    scotta Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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  7. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Lachlan, do you have the full graphics? If you have the XXL, you don't need to worry about those instructions.
  8. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Running with the XXL now, everything works as it should as far as adjusting settings and changing things on the fly.
    Problem is I can't run the parts cooling fan at 100% anymore... Let me rephrase that, the fan runs as it should and when it should at all settings, however, now if it is running at anything over around half speed, it very slowly cools the hot end too. the hot end doesn't seem to fight to maintain temperature. Even with the fan running at half speed I can tell it takes longer to heat up.

    If I start at 210 with the fan set to turn on after the second layer, once turned on, the temp will slowly creep down, if I switch the fan off the temp comes right back up to the setting. Went up stairs last night for about 10 minutes and when I came back it was down to 175 and still slowly dropping.

    I have had no issues with running the fan at any speeds prior to installing the XXL. Fan has always been in the same place.
    #88 AxisLab, Jun 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2014
  9. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    I can't think of any way that the XXL itself would affect any of those things.

    You can manually change cooling fan speed, but it should default to whatever you have in your slicer if you're not manually changing it.

    Did you change the firmware when you loaded it? The temperature control issue sounds like a PID tuning issue.

    Have you tried unplugging the LCD do see if you still have the same problem when you run without it?
  10. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I did not do anything with the firmware, I am already running the 3-14-14. Did I miss a step? Now with an XXL is there something to change? That would be great.

    Yes I can manually adjust the fan from the display, it has the max fan speed at 255, that would = 100% correct? Slicer 100% settings put it at 255 so I assume it is.

    If I unplug the xxl and go back to USB, it maintains temp even with the fan at 100%. Drops a couple degrees at first but raises and holds steady after that. If on the XXL it just keeps dropping. Drops much slower if I lower fan speed and can hold temperature at about the 130-140ish setting Near halfway.

    For now I will just print with half cooling and see how it goes, in the long run and for some parts, that could be a problem and will leave me going back and forth from USB to XXL depending on the requirements.
  11. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    you shouldn't have to switch back and forth. I have no idea what could possibly cause that issue and haven't heard it from anyone else.
    Maybe there's something buggy with your LCD? Let's see if anyone else has any bright ideas. If not, I'll just send you one to swap out.
  12. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Now I'm even more confused, Last night after switching to USB to see if the issue was there, everything was back to normal, making me confident it was an xxl issue. Now after double checking, unplugging the screen and retrying the USB, the issue is there now as well, which tells me this isn't an issue with the XXL at all but somewhere along the line something screwed up.

    Very strange. I checked all the connections and feel they are all secure but ... ... I don't know.... I'll play with it later lol. At least it's not just a screen issue so sorry about posting it here.

    Sorry for bothering you and besides all this mess the XXL is a pretty awesome upgrade and I can tell I am going to love it once I iron out my gremlins.
    Although now when my friends come over they no longer see a Robo3D Printer. Now his name is just, ROB.
  13. SteveC

    SteveC Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Yes this is strange. One thought, if I remember this all correctly, when the USB is plugged in the Arduino/RAMPS run off of the USB 5V. With USB unplugged it runs from the 12V supply through a linear regulator. This regulator is also feeding the LCD through the RAMPS connector. How this could affect the cooling fan PWM I'm not sure. You can also run the XXL and SD card input with the USB plugged (Repetier inactive) in to see if that makes a difference

    I wrote the above before seeing your last post but it still might be useful.
  14. SteveC

    SteveC Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Probably not related but do you have a duct on your cooling fan? Mine directs the airflow just under the heater block and I see no temperature drop at 100%. My duct ends in an ellipse shaped nozzle.
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  15. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I've used a duct but haven't for a while. I know either a duct or insulating the heat block would fix it but it's just odd that it was fine for months until plugging in the screen.
  16. SteveC

    SteveC Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    One simple way to insulate the heating block is to spread a layer of Permatex Ultra Copper RTV Silicon Gasket Maker on the fan side. You may need to slightly sand the surface.
  17. AxisLab

    AxisLab Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Yeah I went easier than that and just wrapped the heaterblock with some 5mm kapton that I have. About 15 go-arounds (which isn't much, stuff is really thin) and it holds temp solid now. Insulating is a fix but I guess I am more hunting for the cause, since it was never an issue before.

    Regardless of that, I am loving the XXL. I have my laptop back and even better I am printing twice as fast now that I took the chance on upping some settings, I decided to slowly push it from 100%-125%-150% and to 200% and things are flawless. Upped flow a little and some other things but the screen really makes it easy to adjust on the fly and watch a couple layers to dial it in or pull it back.

    I could have done any of this without it too but the screen makes it simpler I guess. Now I'm going to raise my slice speed settings to see if I can get the same speeds while keeping it at 100% on the XXL. If not better still.
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  18. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Playing around with LCD to figure out max speeds is a great application.
    Targeting keeping it at 100 or below is a good idea. Here's why.
    When you adjust the speed %, it adjusts all speeds.
    It's relatively easy to figure out the max non-print move speed on the printers. There's usually no reason for that to change.
    However, when you crank up the speed on the LCD, you are cranking up print speed and non-print speed.
    So, if you have your slicer speed set with a good max non-print move speed, you are sort of stuck with that as your max. You shouldn't increase above it.

    You may want to be able to reduce speed though for prints that have a lot of small detail.

    I haven't really figured this all out on my robo, but on my replicator and ultimaker, I set most prints at the max speed for both print and non-print then turn it down in areas of fine detail. The Ultimaker typically doesn't ever need to be turned down, but the Replicator with the big direct dual mass definitely needs to be slowed down with a lot of fine detail. I suspect the robo will be the same.
  19. SteveC

    SteveC Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    I haven't used the USB port since getting the XXL last December. One thing I noticed with the PC/USB is that some activity on the PC could modulate the USB port speed enough to cause unevenness in the walls of some prints.
  20. collin

    collin New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    @tesseract @mark tomlinson
    do either of you know if it is possible to extend the connectors on this display. ive read that its not, matt told me its not also but that seems crazy since its just a simple wire extension. basically i want to mount the XXL display outside my homemade encloser.

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